Apr 10, 2020

Big Brother, Brave New World, doesn't seem like fiction anymore

Coronavirus immunity certificate is being discussed as an option by the Trump administration.

They don't even know everything about the coronavirus yet. There is new information every day. Studies haven't been completed. If you believe the propaganda and health officials, it is possible to get reinfected. How reliable are the different type of tests?

The hysteria, the misinformation, and stigmatizing people reminds me of how people reacted to HIV/AIDS patients. Based on fear. We gave away freedoms after 911.  Based on fear.

Lockdowns with little or notice, personal liberties being taken away at the whim of those in charge with very little knowledge of a new virus. Based on fear.

Do you really want to live in a society where you don't question and just hand over your freedoms?

If that doesn't scare you, you have successfully been indoctrinated.

Big Brother. Brave New World. The Unknown Citizen. Written when people could still think, express and inform independently.

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