Jun 6, 2023

Mr. Hale made a choice to take pictures up my dress. My ability to trust has been fractured permanently."

I covered the basics from convicted sex offender,  former Humboldt court mediator and former CWS employee Joe Hale's sentencing in my last post in the screenshot above. This post has more details from today's sentencing. 

Mendocino Superior Court Judge Moorman had to educate Hale's wife and supporters who wanted to speak.  I have covered hundreds of criminal proceedings in my coverage of Humboldt Superior Court 10 years and several in Atlanta and Philadelphia for mainstream media. Mr. Paul Gallegos who represents Hale is an attorney and the former DA; he knows better. Judge Moorman also told the people in the audience who allege they have been victimized by Hale that since they are not named victims in this complaint, they would also not be allowed to speak. Only Jane Doe 1 would get to speak today. The other 3 Jane Does made their statements yesterday. Hale would be allowed to address the court before the Judge's ruling just as every other defendant.

"In this type of criminal proceeding, the law is clear about who can speak," said Judge Moorman. "I am aware there is public interest in this case. I won't allow anyone who is not a victim and Mr. Hale to speak."

Mendocino Assistant Deputy District Attorney Dale Trigg said that Penal Code 1203 (d) "can refer to Probation but does not have to; the Court can consider people who have information which is why we are offering scope of conduct, including those uncharged based on discovery. We are prepared to offer the sworn testimony of DA Investigator Ryan Hill." Mr. Trigg was referring to that over the course of three years, there were 200 pictures, 6 total victims on Hale's cell phone. Only four could be identified by name and therefore there are only four Jane Does in the complaint.

Mr. Paul Gallegos repeated his ridiculous objection from yesterday. Judge Moorman put on record again why she was going to allow Mr. Trigg to present information in his arguments.

"I cannot find the words to express the pain and anguish I have experienced in this last year," said Jane Doe 1. Like other victims, she expressed her solidarity with them. Jane Doe 1 is the former court clerk who caught Hale in the act and reported him which led to the investigation.

"When I received the letter from Mr. Hale, it brought back memories of that horrid day. He didn't just violate my space. He violated me as a person."

Jane Doe 1 has been diagnosed with PTSD. "Mr. Hale made a choice to take pictures up my dress. My ability to trust has been fractured permanently."

Jane Doe 1 said Hale attended two sessions of Sex Addicts Anonymous a month before his plea. "It is obvious to those close to him they don't know him." Jane Doe 1 said Hale preyed on women for years.

Jane Doe 1 told Hale's family and supporters that she read their letters. "Don't minimize his behavior because they are misdemeanors. You don't understand. I don't wish you to understand. This did not happen to you." By this point, Jane Doe 1 was in tears. "You didn't have to call your father sobbing."

Jane Doe 1 asked Judge Moorman to have Hale register as a Tier 1 sex offender for 10 years, 90 days in actual jail consecutively for each count, not allowed to have cameras, complete a treatment program with an unbiased professional and not be allowed to have any licenses.

Jane Doe 1 and Mr. Trigg got everything they asked for except it was 280 days in jail and Hale does not have any licenses. The other three Jane Does wanted sex offender registration and jail time.

Mr. Trigg agreed with Jane Doe 1's recommendations. "I have handled sex offenses for most of my career; so has your Honor.," said Mr. Trigg. "These crimes have the same impact as violent crimes as state prison offenses."

Mr. Trigg also asked for 90 days in jail consecutive for each count. After that term was served, "I think probation is appropriate", he asked to have Hale assessed for a treatment program specific to his crimes, asked probation be supervised and for sex offender registration.

Mr. Trigg said that Hale violated people at work and his church. "These are not random victims. He had access to them." The maximum term of probation by law for these crimes is one year.

Mr. Trigg said images on Hale's cell phone went back as far as 2019. "Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 4 were victimized more than once. There could have been more charges."

"All these apologies and actions only happened because he got caught redhanded," said Mr. Trigg. "This is more than a crime with a phone."

None of this remorse and actions were before he got caught, a point made by Jane Doe 1, Mr. Trigg and obvious from statements made by Hale and Mr. Gallegos in court. 

"If he felt he could offend in his church and work environment," said Mr. Trigg, " 290 registration  will protect the community for 10 years; more than one year of probation."

"As a judicial officer, my role is not to forgive," said Judge Moorman. "There are other people in your life you can seek forgiveness from. It is their choice."

"My role is to follow the law and impose a sentence with information I have."

"Protecting society, punishing the defendant, encouraging the defendant to lead a law abiding life, deterring defendant, deterrent to others, preventing defendant from future crimes, restitution, uniformity of sentencing and increasing public safety by recidivism" were factors mentioned by Judge Moorman before ruling.

"I will be imposing jail time today," said Judge Moorman. Hale would be placed on probations with additional conditions imposed.

 "In modern day, we can hurt people without touching them," said Judge Moorman. She mentioned the internet, cell phones and social media in today's society "which have provided the means. This is one of those crimes."

"The legislature has classified this crime as a misdemeanor," said Judge Moorman. "Four convictions on four separate people with whom you had a direct or indirect relationship to gain access to them."

"You  gained access to people you work with to use your phone; that is the epitome of abusing a position of trust. The other victims you accessed through a temple."

"All of us have expectation of privacy to parts of our bodies you chose to take pictures of," said Judge Moorman. "These are misdemeanors but very serious because of harm inflicted which may never be ameliorated. The sense of security violated is core to who a person is" and the Judge went on to state that security is core to  women and women of all ages.

"By your own plea, this was done for your sexual gratification but indicative of your wanting power over them and doing it surreptitiously."

"When we talk about conduct; I find it egregious," said Judge Moorman. "Counseling will be part of probation. I will have you evaluated by probation to deem treatment for sexual crimes."

"My job is to protect society. "Your conduct merits punishment. The message this sentence needs to send is a deterrent to others. Many people who use phones to commit crimes don't believe there will be consequences."

"From everything I have heard, you didn't believe you would be caught." Judge Moorman quoted Jane Doe 3's statement from yesterday. Judge Moorman said that Hale would have continued had your conduct not been interrupted, investigated and prosecuted. Judge Moorman also pointed that Hale felt had the audacity to surreptitiously recording victims at his temple and at work.

I am not typing details of Hale's narcissistic, unremorseful rambling rant or Mr. Gallegos' meandering, ridiculous remarks. Pay for a court transcript if you want to waste your money and time on victim blaming, minimizing a defendant's horrendous actions and reading entitled arrogance. Hale and Mr. Gallegos already indicated in court about an appeal so their words are just as fake as the performance in court aimed at no jail time. Eric Duff, former Episcopalian priest did some counseling with Hale.

Court minutes:

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