Nov 8, 2021

Another Eureka business vandalized


I just happened to check Oberon's Facebook page just now for and saw this post. Another vandalism incident in Eureka and it is even worse when it happens to a restaurant; an industry devastated by COVID 19 related closures. Winter is tough for many Eureka businesses. 

There are so many vandalism incidents in Eureka, I could start a different blog on the expenses and problems local businesses face due to the inept Humboldt County leadership and government.

Great job City of Eureka. The decline continues under the clueless five. 

CAUTION: The section below is only for the whiners and stalkers. 

To the supportive readers and those who appreciate the truth and news that matters; have a great evening. You only need to read the first three paragraphs of this post because you work hard, contribute to this community, are respectful and are the positive in Humboldt.

I know the minority : the whiners, stalkers, haters, will read this because they react every time and predictably.  Every time I express what others are afraid to say; say what others cannot because they have been bullied into silence; the whiners, stalkers and haters lash out and predictably. The same lame tired comments and lies said anonymously or said among all the back stabbers. 

If I were still in Old Town, I would have reported this right away.  I avoid Old Town/Downtown as much as I can since the clueless 5 have been in office. For one person, I am busy with other news and more original news than most local media. They report more about Del Norte and Mendocino than Humboldt.

Everything after the first three paragraphs of this post is not intended for my regular readers. Everything after the first three paragraphs is specifically intended for certain people to read. And they will.

They read the blog posts for news tips. They read the blog posts because they can't help themselves. They read the blog posts because they are upset that their strategy to destroy me hasn't shut me up and driven me away. All this anger, hatred and lies for calling them out and exposing their misdeeds, for holding them accountable, for stating the reality and truth they rather ignore because it is inconvenient. They read the blog posts but are still in denial, still refuse to accept responsibility and still think they can bully people. 

Lost Coast Outpost and North Coast Journal offices are literally a block away/around the corner from Oberon Grill. You think they would have noticed this or reported on it last week. No one cares if TS moved. People do care if a long term establishment in Old Town like Oberon Grill is vandalized.

Instead LOCO reports today on a two week old story about TS moving. TS which has been run into the ground by LOCO's former general manager and CEO John Richmond.  Under him,  sales are plummeting and the paper is so thin; it is practically invisible. John Richmond, another Humboldt loser, who gets job after job despite failing, because of who his daddy is in this town. 

If sales were doing so well, would TS be groveling for subscribers and would the paper shrink to almost nothing? John Richmond who defends a paywall for online content that is mostly press releases and not Humboldt focused and hours/days old news.

The daily output and original news on most local media is non existent. You dont need Google ads if you supposedly have so many local advertisers and subscribers. You don't need a paywall for news others provide for free. News others do not charge for even though these other sources don't have corporate funding and are not supported by local advertisers who think they should dictate editorial content.

An acquaintance said TS begged and sent several emails  and he finally subscribed for $1.30. He is only one of several who has said this to me. None of these people are happy with their meager investment in the sub standard. Many are not happy with the lack of result from ads in other media but prefer to only say this in private because they are fearful of the backlash.

I mentioned the TS move to a few people weeks ago. No one cared or was surprised. The building on Sixth Street has been dark for months. Is the move to 5th street going to improve the quality or quantity of content in the sub standard?

Everything after the first three paragraphs is only meant for the locals trolls who for decades continue to spread lies about me anonymously and behind my back like the losers and cowards they are. They react to what I say because it applies to them. They stalk and whine about my blog but still read it, don't ya? Why? Truth hurts and everytime I call you out; you surface like a skunk whose stench won't go away.

It's not just me. Humboldt trolls and backstabbers are like Humboldt drugs, embedded deep and destroy everything around them. Their full time job is to attack anything and anyone positive in Humboldt. Losers who can only destroy because they are nothing, have achieved nothing and if they have, it is not on their merits and contribute nothing. They can't stand survivors or strong people.

What is good in Humboldt isn't because of you miserable haters. You have created the evil, the despair, the poverty because you do nothing to improve or uplift. You are the leeches that suck all the positive out of Humboldt and the rest of us. Had you invested into this County the energy you put into attacking me and others, Humboldt would thrive. 

A lot of us would gladly move tomorrow. We will as soon as you make out a cashier's check or pay in cash all the money you haters, stalkers, inept government and other corrupt and petty Humboldt losers have cost us and all the consequences you have caused us and our livelihood because we don't play the Humboldt game. 

Many of us are here constantly battling to survive and stuck here longer than we want because of poor choices made by haters, stalkers, inept government and other corrupt and petty losers with no talent or vision who keep Humboldt stagnant due to their selfishness and greed. They would be nothing and no one outside  Humboldt and the system they created to benefit only them and that is what scares them most about the rest of us. 

I have been here 18 years and see the same shitheads in charge and the same people and funders on campaigns and the same issues being covered by the other local media  and no change in the status quo of drugs, poverty, empty storefronts, homelessness and crime.

Cheap banners on fences and buildings, crude signs on the sidewalk and ugly magnets on cars passes for advertising for Humboldt idiots who have cash but no class.

Same losers get moved from job to job in local media, law enforcement, government, non profits, and businesses because of who daddy is and insular connections. 

Supporting local business = support anyone who kisses ass and is not about supporting locally owned, small businesses who work hard. 

The Russ family is #1 for U.S. subsidies. In the top 8,  the Russ family shows up again and again. The Renner family and Andy Titus are in the top 20. 

How many of you achieved anything without growing pot, subsidies and government contracts or loans? What have you given back to this community unconditionally with no strings attached? What have you achieved with your own hard work? How many of these people want or fund independent reporting? How many of these people want Humboldt to change from what works only for them?

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