Apr 18, 2020

This shelter needs no approval from Eureka City Council

(2:10 the party just getting started?)

In addition to this self declared shelter, someone decided to recycle their gas station plastic bag at the 5th and H post office in Eureka.

The post office has Restif cleaning and sanitizing several times a day due to the coronavirus pandemic. This is in addition to the regular cleaning Restif does. The jerk was too lazy to use the trash can.

Junkies,miscreants can yell, fight, piss, defecate and shoot up all over town. The alley near 5th and N has had a party going on every night since last Friday.

Today is the day the junkie like the one pictured above was the second person to yell racial epithets and other foul language at me. This after claiming that she was picking "something up."

Certain people must be exempt from the shelter in place order. The exemption must be only for those who break the law.

Truckers, mail delivery personnel and essential workers cannot even use any public bathroom because the health department has scared all businesses and restaurants into closing their lobbies.

Yet, excuses and no action for these unsanitary and environmental hazards that existed before COVID 19 and the Ninth Circuit ruling and endanger public health and safety daily.

Law enforcement's hands have been tied by politicians, the Ninth Circuit but most of all local enablers of addicts and criminals.

When is Gavin Newsom coming up here for a photo op? He could suspend AB5 so people can work and pay bills but creating more dependency is a way to control more people.

If he cares about public health and the homeless, his press releases and daily sound bytes don't help. Funding and resources do.

COVID 19 isn't the only danger. There are other illnesses that are deadly. Domestic violence, child abuse, stress of being caged in our homes while Gavin Newsom and the Courts want to set criminals free. Death does not discriminate.

Parolees and prisoners being released due to COVID 19. Is it about the health of those criminals or preventing future lawsuits? If Newsom cared about our health, his actions would protect law abiding citizens.

With COVID 19 and limitations on who can be booked into the local jail, EPD can only do so much. Then enforce the civil penalties of violating the shelter in place order. They can pay, sell of their possessions or work off cleaning the trash and environmental hazards they create via SWAP or a similar program.

4/19: The trash bag was removed sometime after the post and today.

4/20: The shelter on 6th and L was there Sunday afternoon with more people and gone on Monday morning.


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