Apr 14, 2020

One additional local COVID 19 case confirmed today

Humboldt County’s COVID-19 case count now stands at 51 as one additional case was confirmed today. This is the first positive since April 7. Contact investigations are underway to determine the means of transmission for this new case.

Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich said every case is a reminder that COVID-19 is circulating in our community. “We have fully expected additional cases,” she said. “It is important for everyone to follow the Shelter-in-Place Order as well as the other measures recommended, including social distancing, masking, frequent handwashing and sanitizing, as well as good cleaning practices.”

The following information is based on the most recent data available for all confirmed cases:

Contact to a Known Case: 23
Travel-Acquired: 20
Community Transmission: 7
Under Investigation: 1

Total new positive cases confirmed on April 14: 1
Daily COVID-19 case report for April 14
  • Total number of positive cases: 51
  • Total number of hospitalizations: 3
Total number of people tested by Public Health Laboratory: 867 
Total number of people tested by all other sources: 588
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California Department of Public Health and commercial labs)
The Public Health Laboratory currently has a capacity of approximately 580 tests and can process about 60 samples a day with an approximate turnaround time of 48 to 72 hours.

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