Nov 4, 2017

Moonbeam adds to the struggle of the regular working man and woman, yet again, with his gas tax

(photo submitted)
Few of the Humboldt County Republican
Central Committee members including Annette DeModena, Zach Rotwein and Joe Bonino parked their trucks and held signs outside the Humboldt County Courthouse this afternoon.

Earlier this week, I spoke with some residents in and outside the Courthouse. Many, who commute 12 to 15 miles each day for work said they were not happy with this gax tax.

"GasTaxTrophe: License to Rob, Won't Do the Job" was the more popular sign.


  1. I've followed this bad bill and I know the only people who voted against it in the legislature AND have continued to try to get the law overturned are Republicans.
    Want to know what I see as the Very Stupid Bottom Line? It's raised so much because of a previous law which had made an older tax kick in again.

    Want to know the facts? Check this out.

    And after you read it, you might want to consider mentally thanking those people who took
    their time to picket and protest to try to make more people aware of what's wrong. And if you
    care about the big gas bite, you might ask one of those people John has mentioned about what you can do to get this changed.

    1. Gabriele, if only more Californians were as intelligent and considerate as you. We are in this mess because of people who do not think or voters who vote party line regardless of the consequence. On a national level, people are waking up, on both coasts and radical liberal states, inconsiderate fools are continuing to destroy people's lives.

  2. Applied to transportation projects unfunded by Moonbeam's minions. Guess where all those billions go-the south naturally-not here in Del Norte or Humboldt. Same song second verse and on and on and on.

    sign the petition.


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