Nov 16, 2017

"Now Mr. Timm is going to throw cold water on what I said."

 Deputy Conflict Counsel Marek Reavis started out his opening argument, with "The People's arugument is that there is only one way to intrepret the facts' and ended with dissing the prosecution, "Now Mr. Timm is going to throw cold water on what I said."

This was in contrast to the graciousness by Mr. Timm who did not attack Mr. Reavis in his closing or rebuttal argument.
While Deputy District Attorney Timm's opening arguments focused on the evidence, law; Mr. Reavis' arguments were more of speculation of basically there could be this possibility or that possibility; none of which was backed by actual evidence.

The only strategy Mr. Reavis had was to dissect Uber agin, although he did not spare Arcata Fire Department Fire Battalion Chief Sean Campbell.

Anthony Domenico nodded his head a lot during Mr. Reavis' closing as if he was saying, Yeah" or "That's right."

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1 comment:

  1. The lawyer that mentions the other lawyer, especially in a derogatory fashion, is the lawyer that's losing. Or thinks he is. Cases should turn on facts, not personalities, and not on personal attacks. Sad.


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