Mar 20, 2024

At least my District Supervisor is cheerful and professional unlike the other 4


I was at the Courthouse today. As I was walking out the first time, Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone walked in and looked grumpy. Outside was First District Supervisor Rex Bohn guffawing as usual and schmoozing it up with two of ousted Gregory Kreis' endorsers and members of law enforcement. 

Rex walked past, glanced at me, didn't say anything but snickered. It may or may not be directed at me but since I have been calling him out, Rex goes over the top, huffing and puffing whenever I pass him thinking he is asserting dominance. In reality, he looks like the desperate bufoon and bully he is, propped  up by the equally useless generational fools running this County into the ground and whose entitled offspring are quite familiar with the second floor of the courthouse. 

I said loudly, "What are you laughing about, you dumb f%@#? And made a reference to his loser son and arrests. I know he heard me. He turned around and then walked away. I wish he had said something. I would have videotaped Rex and shown people outside Humboldt the real Rex. Especially if he would have threatened or intimidated me or sent the HCSO sycophants he chats up on a regular basis.

Rex is a crass, barely educated, boorish bully who sneers at County employees and anyone he does not like. I should have videotaped the way he spoke to a former black employee. Unfortunately I was walking out the 5th street entrance by that time and Rex had walked away.

Rex thinks because he got re-elected that means something. He had two non electable opponents who had no campaign. Rex should have received 90% or more votes for the time and multiple terns he has been in his office. The apathetic, weak, selfish voters in the First District stuck the rest of Humboldt with Rex. They should suffer the same fate as Kreis, Travis Schneider, the Carters and be fired, go bankrupt and broke. What multiple term Supervisors like Rex truly cost this County you never hear about; including many lawsuits. 

Rex did nothing to earn this term except to benefit from the apathy of voters and greed of the good ole boys and gals who benefit from him being in that position. Even though though many of the good ole boys and gals cannot stand Rex, they don't want any competition that might force them and their incompetent progeny to have to work for a living. 

What are Rex's acomplishments for all these years he has been a career politician? More lawsuits against the County? More Humboldt County businesses selling to out of area owners? More poverty and homelessness because the Supervisors tax every job producing industry and Rex and Bushnell give funds in millions to their buddies at the Fairgrounds? 

Second District Michelle Bushnell is always glaring and angry unless she is around her circle of sycophants. Third District Supervisor Mike Wilson is just as unprofessional and constipated like his three cohorts.

Fourth District Supervisor Natalie Arroyo may not like what I write about the County but she is professional and accessible. She was leaving yesterday but took the time to briefly speak with me. Supervisor Arroyo comes prepared to meetings, she listens to consituents and unlike the other four represents what your average person feels. I don't care what political label is next to someone's name. I like elected officials who care about the community they represent and have class. Supervisor Arroyo has not been on the Board as long as the rest of the career politicians.

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