Mar 3, 2023

Remember the last time the City of Eureka had sanctioned sites?

(Image: Chico Enterprise-Record)

Remember the last time Eureka had sanctioned sites. It was temporary and the City of Eureka abandoned that plan in 2015. What the public gets told vs what the people say privately or is conveyed "off record" are two different things. 

For months, I had a community member who goes to Eureka City Council meetings regularly tell me to ask current Eureka Manager Miles Slattery what Eureka Police Department were being told that wasn't public knowledge. Of course, he did not want to go on record.

I heard the similar information from a businessman about enforcement and the homeless. I heard the same thing from local attorneys and others involved in politics. None of these people will come forward or go on record.

The problem with verifying is that the City of Eureka, Humboldt County,Humboldt Superior Court and others locally ignore or respond with nothing burgers. They know they can. No oversight, no accountability. State does nothing to protect the public. Even the rare action they take is smoke and mirrors. It all goes away after a pacifying headline.I think the State and state agencies are tired of Humboldt and I don't blame them.

In 2015, when Greg Sparks was Eureka City Manager, Andy Mills was EPD Police Chief and Steve Watson was a Captain, there was information. Remember Devil's Playground? All the media showed up.  The public vs private has been going on regardless of who is elected in office. The same tired players in politics, business, media or anyone else in charge in Humboldt.

What you didn't hear in 2015 was that EPD officers were tasked with waking people up before 6 a.m and moving people out of sight. This task would be done by the graveyard crew. Some EPD officers did not want to do this and the Sgt on duty had to bear the brunt.

Miles was not Eureka City Manager in 2015.  Let's see if he confirms or denies that he was one of the few at City Hall demanding that the ne'er do wells be moved before 6 p.m. Not that Miles was the only one making this demand and it is unfair to single him out. I don't care if he or others respond or not. This is the third time in this week and I will say it again. Stop using EPD to do the dirty work that it is the failure of government and greedy businesses and callous, fake "Christians" who have the "I got mine, screw you" attitude. You created this mess. Own it  your greed, your failures because leaders uplift others.

From business to elected officials and others, this community leaks like a sieve. You got to be careful what you say and where.

I was looking through some previous posts and there are many others in the business and community milking how they do cleanups when their private views and some public votes are not PC approved.

The other local "media" around for decades all chummy with Mills, Sparks and Eureka City Councilmembers through several terms  and are too busy patting themselves on the back. For what?  

The other local media never bother to report real news that involves the risk of bringing truth to the public. Most of the time because they are clueless or they look the other way. If they are not tools, let them prove it with some real reporting. They go after safe stories and try and pass it off as investigative reporting. The template hasn't changed for decades .

If they were doing their job, there would be financial impacts, retaliation and being targeted by the Humboldt cabal and no chummy invites to panels. Look into the so called freelancers for certain media and their connections. The Humboldt entrenched aka the Humboldt cabal aka the Humboldt connected do not want independent reporting. They will never fund real journalism. People get it on a national level. On a state level in California and a local level in Humboldt, awareness is one thing. People need to fund those who are the voice for the people. 

Kudos to the public who showed up at last week's meeting in Eureka. You are making the difference and speaking up where those tasked to be watchdogs, bring you information, sit like cowards collecting a paycheck.


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