Sep 12, 2018

"Jane Doe #1 took warm baths to soothe her pain."

Jane Doe #1, Jane Doe #2 and Jane Doe #3 all have the same father, Stephen Simpson and Katrina Simpson. Andrew Cunningham was described as a "longtime" friend of Stephen Simpson.

These three alleged victims did not testify today. Investigator Peterson testified about their CAST interviews and interviews he conducted with others such as Stephen Simpson and their stepmother Tiffany Wright.

When he was speaking about Jane Doe #1, he said she told her parents about the "discomfort to her genitalia." He said she spent time in two households. One household was Stephen Simpson and Tiffany Wright and the other was Katrina Simpson. He didnt specify the names of the parents so it is unclear which parent Jane Doe #1 told about the discomfort.

 Jane Doe #1 said she took warm baths to soothe her pain.

Jane Doe #4 had testified about being alone the first time with Cunningham, the second time, other kids were close by, the third time other kids were in the same room.  Jane Doe #4 said Cunningham threatened to hurt her and anyone she told.

With Jane Doe #1, 2 and 3, other kids were sleeping in the living room when the alleged molestation occurred.

The very first post today has the similar patterns experienced by all three Jane Does. I will add more details after the preliminary hearing concludes.

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