Sep 30, 2018

California first U.S. state to end corporations with all male board of directors

Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 826 into law.  California is now the first U.S.state to require publicly  traded corporations " headquartered in California to include at least one woman on their boards of directors by the end of 2019 as part of an effort to close the gender gap in business."

"By the end of July 2021, a minimum of two women must sit on boards with five members, and there must be at least three women on boards with six or more members. Companies that fail to comply face fines of $100,000 for a first violation and $300,000 for a second or subsequent violation."

1 comment:

  1. This state has got to have the record for the most stupid legislation in the country. What possible good could this have for the advancement of women ?? Perhaps the advancement of Mothers grandmothers wives and daughters of misogynistic board members.


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