Nov 12, 2017

Fed up of the effects of Prop 47, then support this bill

(Assemblymember Jim Cooper)
Read up on this Assemblymember, his experience, and tell your legislator to support his bill.


  1. John, the link to the Good Day Sacramento story doesn't work...

  2. I tried looking for the story you mentioned but what I did find was even better: who Jim Cooper is and what he does. For those who haven't heard of him, prepare to be shocked.

    He was one of two authors to put more controls on the sale of butane fuel (used in honey labs). Both houses of the legislature passed the bill (Assembly 76 Aye 0 Nay 3 Not voting, Senate 34 Aye, 3 Nay, 3 Not voting.
    The governor vetoed the bill, claiming it limited legitimate businesses too much and before the end of 2017 the Dept of Public Health will move honey oil production "out of the shadows and into a safe and regulated environment".
    Let's see how well THAT works!

  3. That works! Good story. I saw a quote from the ACLU "A spokeswoman released a statement rejecting the initiative, saying crime is at historic lows and people who commit those crimes are being held accountable and receiving treatment to help them get back on their feet".

    That would be nice except in LA there is an officer in charge of a station who is complaining (and may sue) because the police department continues to low-ball the crime statistics to make it look like the PD is more efficient than it is.

  4. This is the kind of Person we need for Government. He's for law and order. Please run against Newsom, he's probably our only hope.


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