Mar 11, 2021

The real scoop behind Humboldt Court and COVID 19 vaccinations

(Photo: John Chiv)

As usual, Lost Coast Outpost did a half ass story and left out relevant details. No one scoops me when it comes to court coverage. In the rare instance LOCO, Times Standard and once in a blue moon North Coast Journal might, there are two reasons.

I am busy with more daily output than them day after day and feel certain "non stories" need more investigation. Two, the scoop is because certain attorneys or people, who have a grudge and who I have exposed, run to these outlets who do their bidding without getting and putting out all the information.

I knew someone had leaked this to LOCO and I was right. You can surmise from my post that there are at least a couple of sources of disgruntled folks who went to LOCO. In the past, I have called out certain people in the Public Defender's office in person and on this blog about their biased reasons for going to LOCO or NCJ first and no other local media.

LOCO and NCJ have not done any real investigation  or regular reporting of the allegations in the Rory Kalin lawsuits against Judge Gregory Elvine Kreis and Public Defender Marek Reavis and Deputy Public Defender Luke Brownfield.

Personally, I could care less that some Judges and court staff got the vaccine. They are more essential than some cannabis dispensary worker. This division of who is essential and can lobby Gavin Newson is BS. The division and any ill feeling has been created by Newsom who has decided since last March whose life and livelihood is more valuable and who is expendable.

By May 1, President Joe Biden has said every adult who wants a vaccine can get one. There are many in Humboldt who will not take the vaccine. Fifty or so vaccines are not a "news story". There are many others in Humboldt who have "cut in line" but it did not suit LOCO's pretend attempt at "news" and the agenda of the leaker.

Gary Green, who works for Court Human Resources, through his prior work has connections in Scotia.  In February, around 11:15, one day, Humboldt Superior Court CEO Kim Bartleson went around on the second floor and certain court employees were told that if anybody needed a COVID 19 vaccine, they should leave and go to Scotia.

This was the first round of vaccinations. After this an email was sent out to court staff asking if people were interested in taking a COVID 19 vaccine if offered. Those that responded yes were given information about getting a COVID vaccine. There was no requirement about being high risk.

Deputy Public Defender Ben McLaughlin was one of the people who got the COVID 19 vaccine in that first round. Since he had to leave early, he did the right thing and told his boss, Public Defender Marek Reavis.

Mr. Reavis "had a fit" because he was trying to get Public Defenders vaccinated. 

So the real question is whether it was the Public Defender's office, someone from the D.A.'s office or a Court employee who leaked this to LOCO, would they have made such a stink if they had been vaccinated?

I doubt it. 

There is a lot of information circulating around and different versions but three things in every version are that a survey was sent out to employees and  somehow court employees were told vaccines were available in Scotia and some people were able to get them.

Ms. Bartleson is out of the office. I did email her.

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