Mar 11, 2021

Some well known names in Humboldt and dispute about contracts, illegal property and unfair business practices


This morning a 2019 case with many familiar names from the community. Land = money. This is why a good civil lawyer is important and who you pay the big bucks to matters.

I was covering several court cases this morning  but from the portions  I heard Samuel Stack and what he and his agent did, said or told others was brought up by several attorneys.

Charlie Tripodi hired a law firm outside the area,  Kaufman, Dolovich and Voluck. There was a party represented by Ms. C. Casey White. Another party hired the Harland Law Firm. One party hired Ms. Chris Hamer. 

Ms. Hamer cited a statute and said after Stack learned of the illegal property that he had a year to undo the sale and damage. His agent knew in 2012.

Ms. Hamer mentioned unfair business practices and said the contract being void was irrelevant. She said Stack didn't bring it in compliance "within one year"; "within four years."

"No one had any direct knowledge other than Mr. Stack," said Ms. White. Her client and father were asked to buy property from Stack. What they knew about the property was mentioned.

Tripodi's lawyer said there was a violation of the subdivision act by Stack and also raised the issue of what Stack told her client.

Judge Kelly Neel will issue a written ruling.  Next court date is April 23.

4/26: Date was changed to today. Judge Neel said she still has the matter under submission.

12/6/21: supposed to be final CMC on 4/6/22.

5/6/22 Motion hearing + demurrer

6/10/22 CMC Trial setting

8/29 CMC

6/23/23: dismissal hearing, matter dropped from calendar, no other parties except John Lopez present, official court reporter not available.

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