Nov 30, 2019

How well do you know the business owners and community members silently making a difference in your community?


How well do you know your small business owner, business leader, community member?In a small town, many of us get associated with our job or a particular cause and often stereotypes based on strangers who know nothing about us.

Even before I started this blog, I got to know many people in Humboldt by being involved in the community and with businesses.

There are so many business owners and community members who donate time and money to various causes. They silently mentor others, make a difference in the community and do this without wanting recognition.

Mike Dearden is the branch manager at Wells Fargo. He has been the Sequoia Park Zoo Foundation Board President for 7 years. Mr. Dearden is on the board of the Humboldt-Del Norte Red Cross chapter, a volunteer for Boys and Girls of the Redwood, on the Big Brothers, Big Sisters'  Event Committee and for four years he has volunteered for the Humboldt County Office of Education 's Decade of Literacy Program. For the past four years, Mr. Dearden has been a speaker for the HSU Finance graduating class.


Anthony Mantova is the CAO for Mantova's Two Street Music, a member of Eureka Women's Club,  Eureka Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Music Merchants, Eureka Elks Lodge, on the Eureka Economic Vitality Committee, a volunteer for PBS Live Auctions twice a year and the store donates  silent auction items to the community on a regular basis for a variety of organizations and causes.

1 comment:

  1. Michael Dearden is a fine man. I am definitely a fan!!


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