Jul 31, 2019

Woman leaves note for CHP after signing her speeding ticket

Her attitude did not sit well with people. You can read the CHP Facebook post below but for comments you have to go to the CHP page.

"We often receive calls and Facebook comments asking for more speed enforcement in the safety corridor.  Rest assured that we are out there being diligent with the education and enforcement related to speeding.  This morning CHP Officer Thompson met  a young woman who was less than thrilled with being cited for going 64 in a 50 MPH safety corridor speed zone.  She took the time to leave a note for us while signing the ticket.  When compared to the costs associated with a collision (both monetary and physical), we believe it is money and time well spent."--CHP

1 comment:

  1. What's worse is she's so clueless about going sixty five and getting a ticket....that is the definition of distracted driving, not seeing the black and white in a high enforcement zone. The only time wasted is hers as she get to write a big fat check.


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