Jul 30, 2019

We got a lot of talkers in Humboldt, a few doers

Humboldt is a tale of two cities. The "postives" vs the "negatives" henceforth known as the "negs." The "talkers" vs the "doers."

It is the same in many places in the U. S. but Humboldt has a plague; an epidemic of the "negs."

I see the same people vent on Facebook and complain on neighborhood groups about the police, law enforcement, crime, homeless, city, County, media and criticize everyone else except look in the mirror.

Your keyboard drama does not change laws. From local to state level, show up at meetings, call and write your legislators. Be a productive contributor in your community. Talk is cheap. What are you doing besides opening your mouth and putting down those that take risks, that bring change and contribute?

There are particular macho keyboard warriors and chronic whiners who posture on Facebook or online constantly; in fact they live on social media. Do these people have a life? A job? And if they do have a job or are well off, then they should be grateful and go out enjoy life. They could even help uplift someone but that would actually require them to be selfless and human.

Even those who use social media as part of their job spend less time on Facebook and social media than the "negs."

Instead of going to a council meeting or organizing a neighborhood watch or volunteering, these know it all "negs" are too busy slapping each other on the back on Facebook and they do not represent all of Humboldt.

In fact they are the minority in media,politics, business that deflect and project and stall progress.

Certain media dont investigate real corruption or take on the powerful and monied interests. They contribute to divisiveness by selective coverage and fueling division and giving "negs", especially the anonymous, a forum to spew bile and misinformation.

Same for the people who couldn't handle a real job in law enforcement but have plenty to say about what should be done and some run anonymous facebook "crime" and "neighborhood" pages.

Other cliquey facebook groups  create drama and hysteria but how many of those people are out at a rally, showing up in court to protest a sexually violent predator or speaking up at a Board of Supervisors' meeting? Showing up to be on TV or in the newspaper a few times for your specific agenda does not count.

The amount of time spent correcting this misinformation by responsible media or law enforcement or government officials or Public Information Officers is time that is needed for real issues and problems.

Around my block, I see something suspicious, I call EPD. I walk around frequently in my neighborhood. Criminals dont like being watched. GMOBs and shady characters in parked cars leave. I contribute daily to exposing and reporting on criminals. In addition, I provide resources and help  people. I have contributed for years before my blog  through church and my community service.

There are many others who are also engaged in community improvement and civic minded activities and put in time and money.

Humboldt has a lot of good. Humboldt has decent, caring people from different political parties, economic backgrounds and beliefs. Many of these people are busy creating change, helping others and just trying to survive.

The "negs" aren't helping Humboldt change or grow. They just want to complain, vent and do nothing.

Travis Tritt had the best line for "negs" and their useless opinions:  "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares."

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