Jun 15, 2022

"Last Wednesday, I congratulated Cheryl Dillingham on her successful run for Auditor-Controller and expressed to her my commitment to work with her to ensure a seamless transition. "

Humboldt Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez congratulated Cheryl Dillingham last Wednesday, June 10. She just sent out a response to the June 7 election results.

Paz Dominguez statement:

Last Wednesday, I congratulated Cheryl Dillingham on her successful run for Auditor-Controller and expressed to her my commitment to work with her to ensure a seamless transition. We both understand the importance of the A-C’s responsibility and have begun amicably coordinating and planning for the transfer of power. As I said to A-C-Elect Dillingham, “if it couldn’t be me, then I’m glad it’s [her].”

To the voters of Humboldt County: Thank you for engaging with the election process. While I was disappointed to learn the preliminary results, I remain confident that the Auditor-Controller staff will continue its good work in the interest of the public (voters and non-voters) regardless of who holds the Auditor-Controller title.

To Cheryl: Thank you for joining me in running a clean campaign. I will be more than happy to work with you and support you. You will be representing a department full of brilliant and talented staff who will look to you for leadership and guidance. It has been a tremendous joy for me to work for/with them and trust that you will feel the same. If you support them, then they will support you.

To everyone that voted for me: Thank you! Thank you so much for believing in me and recognizing the successes of my first term. I urge you to continue to advocate for the success and the independence of the Office of the Auditor-Controller and to show support to A-C-Elect Dillingham. A-C-Elect Dillingham deserves a fair opportunity to build upon the improvements we made in the last four years and the encouragement to do so. She will bear the burden of responsibility and will need all of our support to defend and protect the people’s elected Office of the Auditor-Controller.

To A-C staff: As I have always said, “I am a temp worker and my contract as an elected lasts only 4 years. This is your department, and the elected Auditor-Controller works for you, not the other way around.” Remember that.

To County leadership: Be better. Elected or not, you are accountable to the people.

To the press: With great power comes great responsibility. You have the power to inform and educate the people and it is your responsibility to do so with integrity and the truth. Thank you for your time and your efforts.

There is still time left on my term. The work continues.

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