Jan 5, 2019

After being denied parole 18 times, a Charles Manson follower will be released unless incoming Governor Newsom intervenes

Parole panels denied release 18 times for Charles Manson follower Robert Beausoleil. This year, a parole panel recommended Beausoleil be freed. Beausoleil has served 50 years in prison for murder. He is 71 now.

After an appeal, his death sentence was changed to life in prison. Beausoleil is currently at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville.

incoming California governor Gavin Newsom to evaluate Beusoleil’s case. Gov. Jerry Brown denied the release of Manson's folowers but there is concern whether incoming Governor Gavin Newsom will block this parole release. Family members of the victims plan to petition against Beausoleil's release.




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