Jan 22, 2019

Marijuana in James Merrick's system, no MAIT investigation by the People and more discussed today

When the James Merrick's case was finally called, a lot happened today.

Both Deputy District Attorney Trent Timm, Conflict Counsel Supervising Attorney Meagan O'Connell and Judge Wilson provided detailed remarks on the motions and explained why the jury trial of February 25 was vacated.

Avoiding the issue of appeal was one reason Judge Wilson granted the request. Judge Wilson acknowledged that the case is almost two years old and it is "frustrating" and "cruel" to the family members of the victims.

Deputy DA Timm objected to the continuance today on behalf of the People as well as the family members of the victim.

Motion to continue requested by defense granted. Motion to compel discovery by the People was granted. Ms. O'Connell mentioned that the People had not done a MAIT investigation.

Trial setting is on February 6. Judge Wilson told that he wanted to set a realistic date.

Deputy DA Timm took over the case from former Deputy District Attorney Brent Kling.  There were differing accounts of when the defense got the toxicology report.

There was some repartee between Ms. O'Conell and Mr. Timm. May add some quotes later.

Earlier post:

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