Oct 11, 2022

In a world where the rich and powerful get away with no consequences or different justice, the Humboldt DA's office fights for sex abuse victims with the least resources and means

In a world where the rich and powerful get away with no consequences or different justice, the  Humboldt DA's office fights for sex abuse victims with the least resources and means. 

This major difference in how the Humboldt DA's office deals with sex abuse cases started when DA Maggie Fleming was elected and will continue when Ms. Eads takes over next year. It is a small ray of hope in this County where evil faces no consequences. 

I am so grateful for Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm and Assistant Deputy DA Stacey Eads, Chief DA Investigator Kyla Baxley and  DA Investigator Ryan Hill. 

I mention these two prosecutors because I have seen them take on jury trial after jury trial and do an incredible job. I have been there with them for every hearing, jury selection and  through jury trials for some of the most egregious molestation cases. If these two prosecutors agree to a plea, it is not done lightly. I see how protective they are about the victims in and outside court.

I have spent hours in the local court system, especially covering digusting and horrific sex abuse cases, writing about court cases no one else does because they don't matter to the other local media. They are afraid not only of the financial and social consequences but also of the danger.

This DA's office prosecuted Kailan Meserve. Paul Gallegos gave Randy Cook a plea deal. That kind of justice is what the Ingomar crowd feels entitled to and I covered both cases.

To be a voice for women and children and all those the Humboldt Connected have abandoned and discarded is a privilege despite the personal, physical and financial toll.

For all who claim they are for women, children and equal justice; talk is cheap. Your actions, your money and your lack of support and who you read and share speaks volumes about your hypocrisy.

Law enforcement rarely get to see their hard work get the desired justice. Thanks to Ms. Timm and Ms. Eads and the brave victims who testify, future children are safe from predators.

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