Nov 12, 2020

Really appreciate Judge Canning informing court delay this morning

Judge Timothy Canning briefly turned on audio and livestream to inform attorneys and everyone else watching Courtroom 2's livestream why the 8:30 calendar was delayed and there was no livestream.

The court was waiting on the defense attorney for Jeffrey Batemon. That attorney was in another courtroom. Due to COVID 19, inmates are brought into the jail room and there are other COVID related factors, all that can add to the usual court delays. Until this case is called, the rest of the 8:30 calendar is on hold and we got started at 8:47 p.m.

Deputy Public Defender David Celli had to cover for Deputy Public Defender Adrian Kamada, Batemon's attorney and he didn't have the file. Just like Michael Acosta, Mr. Kamada is one of the attorneys constantly late or a no show and his colleagues have to track him down or cover cases. Then again, Mr. Kamada's boss, Public Defender Marek Reavis has been missing court lately. Time for Mr. Reavis to retire and have some competent lead that office.

Conflict Counsel Supervising Attorney Meagan O'Connell did a great job as interim Public Defender.

Multiple cases in multiple courtrooms, just another court day in Humboldt and it was like this, pre COVID.  The challenges presented by COVID 19 make things more difficult and courtesy and respect for others and their time goes a long way.

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