Nov 11, 2020

"The county election official who was Democrat lost and other Republicans won. What really happened, it came down to people split their ticket. People vote for Republicans down ballot, but they didn't vote for President Trump."

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is a Republican and he makes good points, which don't only apply to Arizona but the baseless claims made by the Trump team about the 2020 election.

The Hill did an article on an interview Brnovich did with Fox News Neil Cavuto.

"My point is this, Neil, is that we need to deal in facts and evidence," said Brnovich. "If there is a problem or you think there is a potential problem, the answer is, you don't wait until it's done to file a lawsuit. If you have problems with people on the voter rolls, you know, other issues, you need to address those problems prospectively instead of reactively."

Brnovich ended his interview by making the observation that if there was indeed a conspiracy, it failed in securing other elected seats for the Democratic Party.

"The county election official who was Democrat lost and other Republicans won. What really happened, it came down to people split their ticket. People vote for Republicans down ballot, but they didn't vote for President Trump."

Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham would not have won if there was a conspiracy or voter fraud by the Democrats. Republicans would not have won any house seats. And, this wouldn't have been a close race.

Those believing debunked videos and the bs Breitbart and OAN peddles need to use their brain.

The MAGA cult does not speak for all Republicans and conservatives. Independents, women and even some members of the LGBTQ community voted for Trump in 2016. They gave him a chance on the economy and hoping he would drain the swamp.

It made a difference in 2016. In 2020, by his own actions, Trump did not have votes from certain groups. Many conservatives, Republicans, independent may have and did vote the Republican ticket; they just did not vote for Don the Con.

No other President has for four years in office constantly send mails, emails, texts asking for money. The latest to pay off his campaign debt. 

In 2016, there were people who voted for Trump because he was not Hillary. In 2020, there are people who voted for Biden  because he is not Trump.

People are suffering, businesses are suffering.  COVID 19 has cost people their lives, their health, a roof over the head, their savings and you have Trump playing golf, throwing a temper tantrum and fueling his cult supporters.

All this so he can avoid the fact thata larger number of people detest him than like him. Trump knows he has no legal immunity as a private citizen. This isn't about voter fraud; it is about him. It is always about him. He and his selfish, moneyed backers don't care about conservative working class or conservative small businesses. When you prosper during COVID 19, when you don't want others to prosper, when you want the status quo to remain the same while others get poorer; that is not capitalism. It is greed. These people like the tax loopholes that keep others down as long as they  prosper. Talk about a rigged system.

The local elections since 2010 have been won by Democrats and progressives. This national election was won by the Democrats. People get tired of being used for votes and abandoned by elected officials who only watch out for the one percent.

If you want any national or local media that also presents the conservative view and news ; is effective; and has integrity;  then stop misdirecting your anger. Media requires advertising and funding. So instead of opening your mouth and typing on a keyboard; open up your wallet. Learn to respect those who give you a voice in a profession where it is rarely or not heard.

Democrats have loyalty. They value grassroots, the frontline worker, the team and the media.

Any Republican or conservative attacking Republican attorney generals, elected officials and media for speaking the truth are selfish. You are as fake as the Jerry Fallwell "Christians" who sold their soul to the devil for power and money. The Jerry Fallwell types that can't even follow what the Bible says about marriage and defend a man who slept with a porn star and degrades women. Those Republicans and conservatives who have integrity, morals and follow Christ could care less about the opinion of a cult.

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