Nov 18, 2020

Nothing like Kim Bergel's attorney begging for donations on her behalf


Eric Kirk has so many conflicts of interest with this blog but why should he be any different than the selective, hypocritical approach and what certain media, local businesses and elected officials get away with because "it is Humboldt." Eric Kirk has this blog and he is still online commenting on "sites" that present his biased view.

No other attorney is actively involved in politics and promoting preferred candidates on a blog. Most attorneys and successful ones are extremely busy.

Kim Bergel lost her request for restraining order and Eric Kirk lost her opposition to paying attorney fees.

For all his socialist beliefs, Eric Kirk was no different than any other landlord regarding the eviction moratorium. Money and capitalism is okay when it goes into Eric' Kirk's pocket. 

Kim Bergel has access to more money than many people struggling. You lose in a lawsuit; you pay the fees. That is a risk you take.

Perhaps people who don't know the law should not file baseless lawsuits. If they hire an attorney after they lose a lawsuit, maybe they should hire someone competent and professional.

Kym Kemp, Chet Albin, John Fullerton, Rex Bohn and other names you will recognize have donated.

Previous post:


  1. "Being like Humboldt " means very different things in different parts of the world. In Humboldt's and my birthplace and hometown Berlin, being like Humboldt means being educated, a true humanist, being curious and to question norms and rigid beliefs. "Being like Humboldt " in Humboldt County means being either a Corrupt Complicit Compliant Politician who enables drug addicts and lunatics, or being a drug addict and lunatic, it seems. This pig stye needs to be cleaned up. During the first court hearing, the entire council (except for Heidi Messner) and Chief Watson showed up in the court room, and Austin Allison even took the witness stand, together with Kim's bully of a (ex?) husband. It was Ganging Up the Legislative and Executive Force to sway the Jurisdiction Force to hand down a unjust judgement against a political activist. Two branches of government trying to sway the 3rd to violateba man's right to address his grievances and speak Truth to (abusive) power. Now that the German consulate and the German press got wind of it, the upcoming pr disaster will put every other fauxpa of the council, and Kim Bergel in particular,to shame. Our provincial amateurs in charge have bit off more than they can chew, and the media attention this case has caused and will continue to cause will hurt the reputation and the revenues of the city tremendously. No German investor or tourist wants to set foot into a racist, anti-semitic xxxxhole like this town has become. Bimbos. Make Eureka Safe Again. #mesa

    1. Cornelius, corruption in Humboldt is more than politicians and it affects more than just you. This place has destroyed lives and careers of so many. Unlike Kim or you, not every one's struggle, harassment and what they are going through plays out in the media. The lawsuit you won was about free speech and silencing others; not one person.

  2. She’s absolutely wealthy compared to 99% of people from Humboldt. I don’t know anyone else that lives in a house they inherited from their Grandma fully paid for. She can blow that joint tomorrow sell that house for 300,000 and pocket it. But she likes being “poor Kimmy” she likes the attention even from losing, and even though she was fully chastised by the judge not once but twice, she was spanked by the law. She keeps slandering people and looks like everyone with any political connection in town is propping up her wretched corpse up. She does their dirty work I guess.


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