Jun 1, 2020

Will Judge Wilson sentence Maxx Robison to the negotiated disposition or will his final ruling be different?

Sentencing for Maxx Robison was continued to June 1 because Robison wanted to be personally present. This sentencing has been continued and the case has had many delays.

I have spent a lot of time on this case. Sat through several recent hearings and defense had continuance after continuance.

The preliminary hearing coverage was detailed. Robison lived with his grandmother, who raised him. His mother is testifying today and I am not going to go into the family dynamics shared outside court. His grandmother, girlfriend stopped coming to court years ago.

Today, there are other cases at the same time and news and my coverage is not going to be lengthy or detailed. There are many hearings not covered by other media.

The plea was a negotiated disposition for 20 years to life. Judge Christopher Wilson sentenced him to that and a 9 year sentence for the attempted murder charge that will run concurrently. Robison also received a mitigated term of 3 years for the special enhancement; use of a firearm. Robison is on parole for life.

I am not listing credits, fines and other details, right now. May add them later.

Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees is the prosecutor for the case. Mr. Russ Clanton is Robison's attorney.

Mr. Rees appeared via Zoom. Dr. Martin and Dorner by Zoom. Mr. Clanton was in court. Robison sat in a chair in the jury box which was covered in a plastic bag.

A defense expert, Dr. Martin Williams was asked questions assist with sentencing. He has provided a report. Dr. Williams and Tracine Dorner, Robison's mother were both asked questions by Mr. Clanton.

In addition to the defense expert, one of the victims and the family of the other victim watched via You Tube. They  provided letters.Mr. Rees read them into the record. They did not wish to address the Court.

On March 12, Robison pleaded guilty to the murder of Rhianna McKenzie and attempted murder of Elisha Mansell.

Mr. Clanton said that Robison is a text book case of how controlled substances can ruin a person's life. I get why the mother is testifying. Dr. Williams said Robison is remorseful and taking responsibility for events that led to the crime.

The fact is we are here years later, going through several attorneys. A young woman is dead and one other could have been dead. Dr. Williams' report and Dorner's testimony was unnecessary live, especially during court challenges and scheduling during the pandemic. It is yet another slap in the face to the victims.

Any sympathy I had for Robison no longer exists because I have watched him change and due to the constant delays. In the statement he read, Robison said "I say victims because Rhianna was not my only victim because everyone impacted bu me was my victim."

Referring to what Robison's mother said about "tragic circumstances leading to his incarceration", Mr. Rees said, "he murdered Rhianna McKenzie. That is what led to his incarceration."

Plea details are in previous coverage linked below.

DA press release (1:28 p.m.):

Today, Judge Christopher Wilson sentenced 24-year-old Maxx Carson Robison to 23 years to life for the second-degree murder of Rhianna Skye McKenzie, who was 19 at the time of the murder. Mr. Robison pled guilty, and also admitted to using a firearm and to committing the murder from a moving vehicle. Mr. Robison also pled guilty to the attempted murder of Elisha Mansell, for which he will receive a concurrent 9-year sentence.

This case occurred on June 30, 2016, when the defendant - who had been drinking - decided he also wanted drugs. This goal led him to the McCullens Motel, where he began banging on doors and accosting residents trying to find a supplier. Mr. Mansell confronted the defendant and told him to leave because no one at the motel sold drugs. During the argument, Mr. Mansell produced a small-caliber handgun and fired several warning shots intended to motivate Mr. Robison to leave. Mr. Robison left, but immediately returned with an AK-47-style semi-automatic rifle and fired multiple rounds into Mr. Mansell’s car, then occupied by Mr. Mansell and Ms. McKenzie. Ms. McKenzie died while Mr. Mansell narrowly escaped death: a bullet went through the top of the hat he was wearing.

Due to the conviction of murder, Mr. Robison will not receive time credit for good behavior or work while in prison. As part of the negotiated disposition, Mr. Robison waived more than three years of credits for time served in the Humboldt County jail from February 22, 2017, through March 11, 2020. The Eureka Police Department handled the investigation and Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees prosecuted the case with assistance from Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer, victim advocate Marybeth Bian, and District Attorney Investigator Marvin Kirkpatrick. Russell Clanton represented the defendant.

Mr. Robison has been in custody since committing the crimes, and will be transferred to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation as soon as they resume accepting inmates. The defendant will become eligible for a parole hearing during his 23rd year of incarceration.

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