Jun 1, 2020

"It is calamitous to see all of these journalists who are merely serving the public by covering these incidents of civil unrest being wantonly attacked"

According to an article in The Hill, the Radio, Television, Digital News Association (RTDNA) has tallied more than 60 incidents in which journalists covering demonstrations over the police-involved death of George Floyd were attacked, arrested or harassed by protesters or police just in the past 48 hours.

RTDNA Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer Dan Shelley said, “Journalists shouldn’t be the story. It is calamitous to see all of these journalists who are merely serving the public by covering these incidents of civil unrest being wantonly attacked…Journalists are representatives of the public and are there to serve the public and to tell the stories of the protesters and of the elected and other public officials trying to deal with the situation.”

"It is really harming the public at large, not just the journalist. It’s interfering with their ability to be eyewitnesses and chroniclers of what’s occurring in this country right now."


What Shelley or no one is addressing is that for decades now, media independence has been  eroded for decades by advertisers and money dictating spin and the media being punching bags for anger and frustration not addressed by politicians as well as the 1%. Facebook and Twitter have allowed anyone to think that because they have a cell phone, they are reporting news.

Restrictions were not addressed and ignored in the Obama administration but the anger, violence, trolling has been the worst during the Trump administration. The only fake news is from the people in charge.

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