Jun 8, 2020

Setting for Cesar Valenzuela's domestic violence case set on same day as his felony case

Setting for a 2015 domestic case for Cesar Valenzuela was scheduled on this morning. From what was stated in court, the 2015 case is a misdemeanor case. The hearing was  continued to the same date as his other case which is a felony.

Valenzuela is the last defendant in the Manila 5 homicide case who has not resolved his case. Victim was Tyson Claros. Setting of jury trial for that case is scheduled for June 17.

Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo is Valenzuela's attorney. Deputy Public Defender David Celli appeared for him in court today.

Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer is the prosecutor for Manila 5 homicide case. Deputy DA Stacey Eads appeared via Zoom on behalf of the People for the 2015 case today.
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