Mar 19, 2019

"My dad did bad stuff. He hurt my brothers"

Jurors got to watch John Doe #3's CAST interview this afternoon.

It was heartbreaking to watch John Doe#3 talk about being scared ; seeing his dad physically abuse his brothers and have him talk about seeing Cory Fisher and Angela Fisher fighting. "I don't like it when mom and dad fight." John Doe #3 said Cory Fisher called Angela Fisher names. This could be for something as trivial as her not getting something from the store.

John Doe #3 said his brothers had a different dad who "was an alcoholic and my mom left him."

Angela Fisher told John Doe #3 that she was disgusted by the details in John Doe #1 and John Doe #2's declarations. Angela Fisher told John Doe #3 about his older brothers being molested. "She said my dad touched their areas."

The testimony about the inappropriate incident involving John Doe #3 has already been covered in previous posts. In his court testimony, John Doe #3 said Cory Fisher touched the top of his thigh; in the CAST interview he said, "he touched my private area; the part you go pee."

More than once throughout the CAST interview, John Doe #3 stated that Angela Fisher knew about the inappropriate touching and that he told her the same day it happened.

John Doe #3 said he told his mom a before his older brother John Doe #2 got home from work.

"My mom told me to write a letter because she knows it happened to me too."

The contrast in demeanor between the young boy last year at the CAST interview and the stoic, pained, angry young boy testifying in court this week about his dad shows the toll and damage this case has done.

During the CAST interview, John Doe #3 spoke about his family life, his parents getting divorced, the physical abuse and sexual  touching he endured and despite all this, he was still  happy to see his dad visit him while he was in Oregon last year.

Kimberly Schneider interviewed John Doe #3. Besides some basic testimony explaining what the CAST interview process is, Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads had no questions for Ms. Schneider after the CAST interview was shown to the jurors. Deputy Conflict Counsel David Lee had one question.

The audio quality was poor. The same alternate juror was late for the third time this afternoon but finally said sorry. Testimony and court cannot resume until all jurors are present.

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