Mar 22, 2019

Jane Doe, the eyewitness in Lorna Leen's case cusses me out and calls me wetback

The family of Brandon Brocious, friends and supporters have been at every hearing. His father Chip and Chips's girlfriend Colleen and another gentleman have been very grateful and kind. All attending are very respectful and well behaved inside and outside the courtroom. In fact,one of them came up to me after an encounter with Jane Doe today. She is someone I have never see before today.  Colleen thanked me for the information and help.

Jane Doe is the civilian witness who is expected to testify at Lorna Leen's preliminary hearing.

A remark was attributed to Jane Doe on 3/20 in coverage by another reporter. Before today's hearing, Jane Doe kept talking to an older woman and a man. She was making remarks about the case that she shouldn't in public or in front of the media and engaging in attention  seeking behavior. Jane Doe's argument with the older woman about her testifying showed a self absorbed, disrespectful, angry person.

As people exited the coutroom, Deputy Roger Rees made a flippant remark about not talking in front of media. He was trying to get Brocius' family and friends in the a private room to discuss the case. Until that remark, Jane Doe had not verbally spewed her vitriol towards media.

The other two reporters had left; I was waiting for the elevator.  Instead of walking with the others, Jane Doe looked at me and rudely mouthed off a comment about media and gave me a look.

I responded matter of factly. "I didn't write about you so don't direct your remark at me."

She then advanced towards me saying, "Boy, you want to take this outside" and other bs while getting all worked up. Meanwhile, the older man got way too close to me, saying she was 15 years old. Maybe, he should have thought of her age before he allowed her to jump up and wrap her legs around him in public and displaying affection that is better suited in private.

 I told him teach her manners and asked both of them to get away from me. My voice was raised at that time.

Jane Doe was egging me on and her last remark to me included vulgarity before she called me a "wetback."

Jane Doe, 1.  you don't dictate what media covers.

2. If you don't want your Jerry Springer drama  written about, then zip your mouth and learn how to behave in a courthouse. You are raised/allowed to act trashy. The courthouse is not your home.

3. This is not about you, it is about a young man who is dead

4. Your opening your mouth and talking about a case in public while the case is going through the judicial process is not helping your friend

5. Respectable 15 year olds don't need a lawyer to represent them when they testify

6. If you or that toothless man with you get in my face again, physically block me, harass me, threaten me or try and interfere with me doing my job, I can and will take legal action against you.

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