Mar 27, 2019

"Hopefully this matter will continue over Mr. Yang's objection. This situation is what I tried to prevent months and months ago."

At trial confirmation for alleged molestor Seng Yang, Deputy Public Defender Luke Brownfield confirmed the jury trial scheduled for April.8.

"I expect to begin the matter of Chad Smith and will be conferring with Mr. Smith's counsel Friday," said Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads. "I expect to conclude the Fisher matter next Tuesday.  I am requesting this matter trail the Chad Smith case.

"Hopefully this matter will continue over Mr. Yang's objection. This situation is what I tried to prevent months and months ago."

If you have been following my coverage on the Yang and Smith cases, I have written about the situation.

Both defendants with their games with Marsden motions lentering a time waiver, then pulling a time waiver has contributed to this mess. Both refuse to budge  about the time waiver. Smith pulled his time waiver before Yang. In Yang's case, he does not listen to his attorneys  and he had the oportunity to resolve the case.

Mr. Brownfield said he objects to the motion to continue.

Scheduling these lengthy molestation trials and in Yang's case, interpreters have brought in from other counties. Ms. Eads has had these cases since the beginning, she has a relationship with the alleged victims and in molestation cases, it is not as simple as someone else just taking over the trial.

Both Yang and Smith are on the trial assignment calendar this Friday.

Yang is charged with 16 counts which include forcible rape of Jane Doe (his own daughter) and exhibiting a minor in pornography.  Jane Doe is the alleged victim for all counts.

A Hmong interpreter and a sign language interpreter have been requested. At the last hearing, Mr. Brownfield indicated issues with that request and said he would be discussing it with Ms. Eads.

4/12 update: Jury trial continued to April 29.

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