Mar 18, 2019

"I told him to stop. He held me down and continued to fondle my penis"

John Doe # 2 testified about the alleged abuse he experienced at the Williams Street, the Pine Street and the Central Avenue house.

"When I was younger, I had issues not going to bathroom in school so I would go in my pants. When I got home, he would make me wash my pants in the bathtub. He put rubbing alcohol on my butt to try and notmake me go in my pants." The problem persisted. Fisher undressed John Doe #2 "and touched my privates. He would fondle my penis."

When asked how often this happebed  John Doe #2 said "a lot."

"That is how it started." Then it progressed to Fisher asking John Doe #2 to take naps in Fisher's bedroom. "I'd wake up and he would be touching me."

The first time it happened, John Doe #2 said, "I fell asleep, woke up and my hands were up. He was fondling my penis. I told hom to stop. He held me down and continued to fondle my penis."

This progressed to oral sex. "His mouth was on my penis. His hands wrapped around my butt and he was thrusting me into his mouth." John Doe #2 said he was naked and Fisher was wearing underwear. John Doe#2 could only recall oral sex happening four times.

"When he put rubbing alcohol on my butt, he would also hum my butt. I would be bent over the tub and his pants were down and he was humping me with his penis. I was crying. I told him to stop. He made it seem like he wanted me to be quiet. He made it seem like he was dusciplining me for going to the bathroom in my pants." John Doe #2 clarified Fisher would hump his "butt crack."

During some of these incidents, Angela Fisher, John Doe #1 and John Doe #3 were home. The bathroom door was closed. Fisher told John Doe #2 to be quiet. John Doe #2 said no one was in the "room next to us" so they wouldn't be able to hear them.

Other times, John Doe #2 would wake from a nap and Fisher "would aggressively hump me. One time he almost entered my anus." Fisher tried twice and John Doe #2 said it was extremely painful. "One time he ejaculated on my back. At the time, I didn't know what is was; I just felt something wet spray on my back and he wiped it with toilet paper."

When John Doe #2 reached puberty, Fisher would watch him masturbate. John Doe #2 mentioned two incidents he was watching porn and masturbating and Fisher walked in on him. In one incident, Fisher masturbated with John Doe #2.

Fisher did not have John Doe#2 do anything to him. John Doe #2 said Fisher forced him to drink alcohol and take prescription meds. He had periods of blackouts and suspects more sexual stuff may have happened.

"When I was little, he called it our little secret. He said no one would believe me. " Fisher would apologize afterwards.

John Doe #2 testified about the physical abuse, including the June 25, 2017 incident.

He verified some details that Angela Fisher testified about such as Fisher sleeping in his bed when he was "17 or 18 years old." Fisher said it was not wierd and that there were just two guys "hanging out."

There were some discrepancies about when John Doe #2 told his mom about the abuse and John Doe #2 thought he was writing the declaration for the investigation.

During cross examination, Deputy Conflict Counsel David Lee brought up some differences in what John Doe #2 had told Cory Fisher's friend Nick Cadrian the night of June 25, 2017 and today in court as well as differences in his testimony today in court and in his written declaration and EPD officer Ryan McElroy and DA investigator Kyla Baxley's reports.

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