Dec 3, 2024

Is Kernen Construction permit being treated the same as any other applicant, in a small County where connections influence business, has other media provided you all the relevant information?


I was not going to post anything about these lawsuits or other information the public should be aware of but other local media does selective coverage and Kernen Construction's permit will affect many people and their families. Most of my local readers, even those who have moved out of Humboldt but still read my blog, know I regularly cover lawsuits involving the good ole boys and news other local media ignores.

Those who have lived in Humboldt know how politics and business work in Humboldt. I would encourage people to read the agenda, the allegations against Kernen Construction, watch the video of today's meeting. Kernen Construction made a settlement offer to the County today. There was a continuance but legally the County is required to have public comment today. They will be more comments on February 4.

I am not saying there is or isn't merit to the allegations. I am just asking the rest of the local media to do their job and not "report" off an agenda. I don't work for the County or any good ole boy or gal. I do care about local jobs and this community and I know personally the cost of pissing off arrogant, insecure petty good ole boys and gals in Humboldt. 

A lawsuit filed by Mercer Fraser against Kernen Construction was dismissed. I covered another lawsuit filed by Mercer Fraser and Kernen Construction was one of the involved parties.

Mercer Fraser has donated to local political campaigns and certain candidates. I know this from personal experience with local political campaigns. Look at the documents and coverage below about Mercer Fraser from various sources. Google, go on Facebook and see who at the County including reguarly "waxes praise" about Mercer Fraser and certain select businesses. 

Some of the same local media's "reporting" for the last few years called out appearances of conflict and provided information but now the same media and reporters and their new owners and publishers have not bothered to look into whether Kernen Construction pissed off the good ole boys. The same local media who overlooks coverage about the good ole boys when convenient.

Is it relevant to votes on the revocation of the Kernen permit and has it influenced allegations in this permit against Kernen Construction? I am not saying whether it is relevant or has influenced the permit revocation because I believe the public can decide for themselves with more and relevant information provided and their own experiences living and working in Humboldt.

This is a small, rural County where "bidness" is done over a cup of coffee, a hunt, a meal by a small group of people in control over every industry and people's livelihoods rife with nepotism, hiring, promotions and appointments based on who you know.

It is up to the public who are the jury in this instance to have all information and weigh any evidence provided to decide if the permit for Kernen Construction is being treated the same as any other applicant?

If the County had a noise ordinance, it would address some of the neighbor's concerns and help with evidence and documentation.

Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell was the only one to ask for clarification about the impact on jobs. Not everyone in Humboldt has daddy or mommy hand them a generational business which runs on zero effort by their spoiled, incompetent progeny and not everyone has momny and daddy with political connections to set up an income generating business. Look at how many working people showed up today. BOS chambers filled to capacity is rare in the two decades I have lived in Humboldt.

Where is the "investigative" coverage by some of the same local media sources now? Whenever I raise that, they either follow up with lazy, insipid slop or they throw out their tired go after Rob Arkley bait as usual to appease their weasel five groupies and insider commenters who applaud like trained lemmings. Is Cindy Trobitz-Thomas, one of the people with complaints mentioned in Lost Coast Outpost's coverage, the former City of Eureka Economic Development and Housing Director? 

Information like that matters because she would have access to people in government and the community that the average person in Humboldt would not have. Noise is a concern many have in Humboldt. Shockingly, Blue Lake resident Kent Sawatzky was not present and did not comment remotely on any item when I was there. That alone cut the meeting time short by at least an hour. Unlike Kent's ramblings, the people who spoke today made sense whether one agreed with them or not on their positions.

It takes courage to give a damn about people who work for a living. Today, people who work long hours in any weather in a physical demanding job showed up to be heard. Those hours at 825 Fifth street cost them and their families money and food on the table.

The screenshot below is just one example of Mercer-Fraser getting a shout out.

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