May 18, 2022

"We had to pay them $60k a month for hotel rooms regardless of whether people were in the rooms or not."


In previous coverage about the Humboldt Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez, I have mentioned Rex  gentleman friends as well as someone who contacted me about motel owners, and alleged fraud. This person reported to DHHS and never heard back. Rex and the invoice about his gentleman friends was initially reported by another local media source. I have repeatedly asked DHHS and Rex to address and answer the public by calling them out in various posts. They have ignored it; because they can.

Rex has made no secret of his disdain and personal campaign against  Ms. Paz Dominguez. DHHS is one of the departments pissed at the Auditor Controller.

Regarding the motel owners and DHHS, the person who contacted me expressed a lot of opinions and gave some names and businesses but not the evidence I required. I remembered Pritesh Patel and Days Inn as well as Rex's name from the emails the source sent me.  

In my followup with the Auditor Controller, some of what this person told me such as certain names, the $75  per night and connection to Rex is verified. This person contacted me years ago and has no connection to Ms. Paz Dominguez. 

I sent the the following questions and request to Ms. Paz Dominguez:

Request 2:

A. I would like the specific invoice from Rex Bohn's "gentleman friends" that he wanted you to expedite

B. The Smokestack cafe rent was waived (I believe) from March 2022 to present. I just want to know how much and if this is being written off? Were you informed prior to the BOS approving this rent waiver and extending it?

C. Just a question, are you informed and do you have to sign off on payments when the County hires outside Counsel? 

There is a lot of information in the attached documents and I am doing a separate post with just those documents on the Days Inn, the Vendor transaction which is several pages and court records I researched on Days Inn and Pritesh Patel. 

Interesting is that in those courts records is Magan Natha of Townhouse motel who owns other hotels/motels. I covered a court couse regarding him that no other local media did. Google or search it on the blog.

I also spoke with Ms. Paz Dominguez and here are additional notes from that conversation regarding my request. 

"Jai Jalaram. That's the company name of the vendor that Rex wanted me to give him a check for."

"North Coast Journal wrote a story about me and Danny Kelley but they got the information wrong. Thad referenced a $50 payment as what I was objecting to when I said there was opportunity for fraud and that was a wrong assumption on his part. The contracts I took issue with where the guaranteed $60k/month payments to Jai Jalaram without a contract. When I rejected them, Rex and Connie got a contract passed via consent calendar. No bids, no discussion. We had to pay them $60k a month for hotel rooms regardless of whether people were in the rooms or not."

"I didn't put the pieces together until later. This was the same vendor that Rex told me were his East Indian Man friends."

"And that they had a loan and needed to make their payments. Pritesh Patel is the name. That signed for the business. The $60k guaranteed payments were for the Humboldt Inn. The rush payments Rex wanted were for Days Inn."

"I can't find a contract for Days Inn but did find an interest arrangement for increased rates. The rate increase letter I sent you points out that Purchasing didn't set up the contract for the vendor, Connie Beck did. Connie Beck also made an unofficial agreement with the Humboldt Inn that the board ratified after the fact."

The County has  chosen to attack and do a political witchhunt against Ms. Paz Dominguez, refuses to answer questions except what they want to say to chosen local media who are not asking the questions or investigating information inconvenient to the County. 

The County is now saying they will sue the Auditor Controller. Every local lawyer that does not have the cajones to stand up for people like me or Paz Dominguez and others this County bullies and targets; every local media source, business owner, community member, County employee who does not seem to care that the County uses taxpayer money as their Monopoly money and stays silent or is online 24/7 attacking anyone trying to bring you pertinent information, ask yourself why? Why are you supporting or believing these people? Do they care what happens to you, your business, your pocketbook? What do they gain by attacking and replacing the current Auditor Controller?

Only some of the recent posts:

(this post has several other links)

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