May 10, 2022

Unlike Elvine-Kreis,  I can dish it out but I can also take it

I read Rhonda Parker's article on the Ray Christie hearing in Lost Coast Outpost and what she wrote  about me she is correct.

I did publish the letter by Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees about Adrian Kamada and Gregory Elvine-Kreis is often the target of my criticism. Anyone who reads my blog knows why.  

Judge Elvine-Kreis can dismiss and act like he does not care about what is written about him but his actions say he does. I have written about other Judges, attorneys, elected officials. Only Humboldt Superior Court's Napolean made it a part of court record and got all pissy. 

I don't sugarcoat news based on people's feelings, status and I often am the only one to report what other local media is afraid to or ignores.

What Rhonda wrote about me was fair. The comments section is another story. I am prepared for the anonymous attacks on LOCO and if you think they won't include the Elvine-Kreis, Mendes and Kamada camp and people with an axe to grind, I have a bridge to sell you. 

Unlike Elvine-Kreis,  I can dish it out and I can take it.  Elvine-Kreis dismisses facts he does not like as opinion. I don't have a problem with facts. What I will not put up with disrespect, abuse, false accusations, lies and anonymous attacks by bullies who think they control me, news or intimidate me into silence.

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