Nov 10, 2020

Erie postal worker recants allegations regarding mail ballots ?



TMZ has posted a video and the postal worker is now saying he did not recant the allegations.

"Keep in mind, Hopkins' false testimony set off a massive chain of events ... including some of the lawsuits Trump's brought forward, and Attorney General William Barr giving the Dept. of Justice the green light to probe any credible claims of voting irregularities."

"All that ... for a lie."

"We should note, the Erie Postmaster -- Rob Weisenbach -- flat-out denied the claim early, said Hopkins was full of it, and denied any backdating of ballots at his location whatsoever. He suggested Hopkins was disgruntled, as he'd recently been disciplined many times."

It gets better. Business Insider and others reported
information that further raises questions about Hopkins.

"After providing his affidavit to Project Veritas, a right-wing activist group specializing in distorted videos and other disinformation, a GoFundMe page set up in Hopkins' name raised over $135,000."

"That page was removed soon after The Post's story went live. GoFundMe did not immediately return a request for comment. Hopkins also posted a YouTube video on Tuesday denying that he recanted his claims."

The Washington Post and a few others reported Richard Hopkins recanted his claims of ballot tampering by a postmaster. This claim was cited by Sen. Lindsey Graham in a letter to the Justice Department calling for a federal investigation. These claims are what led to Attorney General William Barr authorizing an investigation into allegations of voter fraud.

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