Jul 9, 2020

Incompetent and arrogant CA EDD further exposed

Like many government agencies in California, local and state, the arrogance and attitude of the agencies, their incompetence goes unchecked because there is no political will to hold them accountable.

Democrats run this state and are the majority. While they have joined Republicans in their concerns about EDD, what has Governor Gavin Newsom done? What has the state legislature done?

ABC7 reports, on June 22, CA EDD sent an email to  state senators and assemblymembers that they "may request one constituent referral per week to be expedited."

San Francisco Senator Scott Wiener in a news conference said, "After four months of this, at some point the agency has to get it right."

"Two hours after the news conference, EDD took back their  'one-a-week' edict."

Laura Davis who has been unemployed for weeks and has never been able to connect with a live person at EDD. She is not the only one. She got the same recorded message, many have "we are experiencing an extremely high amount of calls right now, goodbye."

I tried calling the other number EDD claims is open 7 days a week; same issue.

ABC 7 said in a letter, a group  of Republican lawmakers claim the EDD  is "misleading the public by announcing that they had opened phone hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m." when specific questions were only answered in the morning.

ABC7 News requested interviews with the secretary for the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the director of the EDD. They must use the same playbook CDCR and State Parole uses.

In states like California,  taxpayers who pay the salaries of bloated government heads and agencies are being held hostage daily. Even during a pandemic where people need money for basic expenses and rent, this heartless agency is free from any consequences.


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