Jul 9, 2020

Attorney General Barr wants money to go to law enforcement and coresponders such as social workers and mental health experts

Eureka Police Department is already doing this and it would be great if the national networks did an interview. I suggested it to few. Police are being called to do more and deal with homeless, mental health, drug addiction.

Linked below is the entire transcript of ABC's interview with Attorney General William Barr. Besides Defund the Police, Black Lives Matter, NASCAR and more is discussed.

Barr: "No because I don't think the money should come out of the police. I mean, we've been spending a lot of money, trillions of dollars over the last few decades on things like education and social programs. So there has been a will to s-- will to spend money on those kinds of things. But I think we have to think about more investment in the police. Now part of it, as you say, is that the police are being called on to do more and more. Deal with mental illness, deal with homelessness, d-- deal with drug addiction where they don't have the training and the-- and the-- expertise sometimes to deal with it. So one of the things we've been talking about-- is-- trying to direct the HHS money and grant programs and sync it up with law enforcement spending so we can enable the departments to have what are called co-responders. That is social workers, mental health experts and so forth who can go on certain kinds of calls to help."


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