Jul 10, 2020

“Cowardly elected officials across America have turned their backs on our police officers, but we need law and order now more than ever in our cities and towns."

On July 8, Protect Our Police PAC (POP PAC) launched online and announced its recruitment effort for endorsing pro-police candidates. The PAC will raise funds to give direct contributions to endorsed candidates as well as make independent expenditures for paid communication programs and media plans.

Against a backdrop of nationwide unrest and heightened calls from the public to “defund the police,” POP PAC will be the largest organization exclusively committed to providing the resources needed to elect candidates who will support our police officers, law enforcement and first responders while in office. POP PAC will build the largest coalition of pro-police groups, organizations, unions and lodges in the country to fight to protect our police on the front line who selflessly risk their lives every day. POP PAC will also promote pro-police stories often ignored by the mainstream media.

With an early investment from the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5, POP PAC has already begun an aggressive effort to connect a nationwide network of donors with candidates who will return law & order leadership to state and municipal public offices.

Based in Philadelphia, POP PAC’s board is led by veteran retired police officers who have seen the chaos caused by the city’s liberal criminal-sympathizer, headline-chaser District Attorney Larry Krasner. Under Krasner’s watch, Philly has seen a 10 year-high spike in homicides and gun-related crimes in minority communities as well as an all-time low in morale within the ranks of the Philadelphia Police Department.

“Politicians like Larry Krasner care more about the rights of criminals than the rights of the victims and their families. His radical policies and refusal to prosecute criminals and repeat-offenders to the fullest extent jeopardizes the lives of our officers and the safety of our citizens. How many victims must suffer for this guy to chase headlines for his next election? How many violent crimes could have been prevented had he just done the job he has sworn to do? I don’t know anyone in Philadelphia who honestly feels safer with ’Let’ em go Larry’ as the DA. The crime numbers don’t lie,” says Co-Chair Nick Gerace.

“Cowardly elected officials across America have turned their backs on our police officers, but we need law and order now more than ever in our cities and towns. Right here in Philadelphia, we’ve seen record levels of crime run rampant. Criminals are emboldened. Even during a global pandemic, the murder rate climbs and they fraudulently blame our police officers as scapegoats, turning them into sacrificial lambs for the press. Just this past 4th of July weekend, there were 31 shootings with 7 homicides including a 6-year old child. Where is the outrage? Our elected officials have failed us yet again with broken campaign promises. We will not let them fail our loyal police officers,” says Co-Chair Bobby Walls.

As spineless politicians nationwide give into cries to “defund the police” and “disband the police,” POP PAC will defend the police and the communities most devastated by crime and the dangerous agenda of self-serving District Attorneys and the broken promises of City Councils and Mayors in America’s Biggest Cities.

POP PAC is proud to announce the launch of its candidate recruitment program, where candidates already running or those interested in running can apply for endorsement, training and support. The candidate recruitment portal will open on the POP PAC website in the coming weeks, where candidates can apply for endorsements.

Protect Our Police PAC is the only organization exclusively committed to electing pro-police political candidates to public office. Founded by retired police officers, Protect Our Police PAC helps elect candidates that won’t turn their backs on our officers and other first responders on the front line. Learn more at ProtectOurPolicePAC.org

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