Jun 11, 2020

What risks have lazy NCJ and the sanctimonious lecturing others taken for survivors that actually makes a difference?

Thad Greenson who attended a couple of hours in the entire jury trial for Gary Bullock made a significant error about what jurors were informed. The North Coast Journal completely ignored convicted rapist Kailan Meserve. They never took on Randy Cook. I could care less what NCJ thinks or prints about court coverage or any news coverage.

NCJ regurgitates what Lost Coast Outpost, Times-Standard and Kym Kemp write. They have no court coverage that requires actual work unless they are covering the case where they accused their own employee of embezzlement.

Now Linda Stansberry who conveniently ignored the Kailan Meserve case found some organization no one has ever heard of to lecture about today's coverage of the David Anderson hearing. Lot easier to do that then sit through 5 plus hours of raw, gut wrenching testimony.

You have to watch the You Tube broadcast live. It isn't available to view later. I can assure you other than attorneys, court staff, any media and the victim's family, no one is watching hours of court cases.

Instead of researching the process, NCJ ran with an uneducated, biased opinion so they could fill space.

Outside Humboldt, many court cases are regularly broadcast, even before the pandemic.

This NCJ hit piece is nothing but a bunch of women with too much time on their hands trying to stifle transparency and create an issue where there is none.

Cases are tried in open court in the United States. That is a good thing in our country.  The You Tube coverage is an exception during the pandemic and is a way to provide transparency and it helps media and the public who don't have access to the Courthouse. David Anderson did want power and he used his rights in the legal system to manipulate and have the hearing now.

I could also care less about what some PC women who have no idea about this case or the Deputy DA prosecuting this case or what the local courts go through daily think or feel. Only in overzealous, sanctimonious Humboldt do people attack those fighting for victims, being a voice and informing public of predators and criticize the local courts for transparency.

Crime, court procedure, the freedom and access of the media doesn't disappear because some women have privacy concerns that aren't theirs to express. How is this organization that Stansberry interviewed funded?

NCJ and some organization who have never been there for countless women and children suffering don't get to dictate how court hearings are conducted or criticize coverage and the public's right to information and hear two sides of the case.

Many survivors have been empowered through the local court victories. NCJ and any other critic contributed nothing to this effort.

Many victims have thanked this DA's office and law enforcement for what they have done for them.

Who is this unknown organization or anyone to lecture about news and how it should be covered. This issue has been previously brought up by Greenson.  He has been told by me about rules of covering sensitive cases. I researched the evolving guidelines on such cases by respected schools of journalism such as Columbia. If it had not been such a long day, I'd look for that information but this was two years ago and is buried in countless emails. People can use Google and do their own research.

NCJ and those interviewed for today's article disparage a local Deputy DA who has done more for women and children who are survivors of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault in the time it took NCJ to do another one of their useless articles.

There are personal, social, financial, psychological risks in taking on predators. In a small community, exposing predators prevents future victims.

In a small community, lot of details are known before a case makes it to court. Alleged victims and their families talk and identities are known. Many of the victims and survivors are grateful to confront their rapist and predator in court. Seeing the support in court and from public via coverage is healing.

Just like certain white people speak for people of color, the sanctimonious in this case feel they need to speak for the alleged victim. Surivors are strong. They don't need patronizing.

Third parties like  NCJ or the women in this hit piece a don't know or care about David Anderson or any of the other predators. They have no clue that retaining Michael Acosta was a shrewd choice by Anderson and deliberate.

They didnt sit there through the first three trials and endless hearings the first time for David Anderson or endless hours for any other convicted predator or rapist. There was zero media coverage of Anderson's first case until they were approached.

The local sanctimonious who lecture about a small community and what should be news are not journalists nor they are not lawyers nor do their uneducated opinions cost them any consequences.

Many grateful victims and their families in Philadelphia, Atlanta and Humboldt have thanked  me. In Humboldt, many are grateful for my coverage of cases other media ignores routinely and doesn't have the time or strength to sit through and cover. NCJ or any other media isn't there guiding and helping people through the criminal justice system. Thirty plus years of coverage that brought positive change in people's lives. I know the impact this has on women, children and victims. There are very few journalists nationwide who dedicate themselves daily; locally more should step up instead of being roadblocks.

NCJ has never been threatened, attacked, lost their home, finances, or taken on the establishment. NCJ like certain activist local media cater to a small local PC crowd who sit comfortably in their safe environments making a mountain out of nothing. Most of these activist media have never worked outside Humboldt and some local freelancers have no background in journalism.

The DA or anyone covering this case or any one daily fighting and exposing alleged criminals and predators owes no explainations to anyone. Get out there and make a real difference in human trafficking, sexual assault and domestic violence.

Most of the local media couldn't even get out there and cover the recent protests in person. More than one media outlet, all with tons of resources, have videos and photos from the same freelancer. It shows you just how much the activist local media really cares about the issues.

We have an all white Board of Supervisors, all white Eureka City Council, all white Fortuna City Council, some diversity in Arcata City Council and a mostly white local media made up of some locals for decades that conveniently ignore who they don't want to cover.  They lecture on lgbt issues and about people of color but only stand up for those who fit in their box. They can ignore homophobic, transphobic slurs and attacks on people of color who don't fit in their box.

This NCJ bs piece and the emails and comments I and others get from those who think they are so woke are from people who are never in the trenches day in and day out.

Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, domestic violence are not headlines; they are realities that survivors emerge and heal from.

The work done by the DA, law enforcement and those who of us who put our money, time and effort despite the risks, exhausation and trauma we go through ourselves actually makes a difference in someone's life.

I covered the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, the appointment of the first black woman as director of a government agency in Philadelphia, was part of founding the first Asian-American HIV/AIDs group in Philadelphia and much more. I have written and have worked for media in major cities and been published nationally.

So maybe I know a little bit more about journalism then the same local activist media around for decades who do the bidding of their publishers and funders and like to create divisiveness in this community.  I could care less about those who haven't had a job outside Humboldt and the people who keep playing musical chairs for the same three or four "media outlets for years and their useless  "interviews" that haven't brought any change to the corruption or crime or real issues facing this community.

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