Jun 12, 2020

Humboldt County Health Officer Dr. Teresa Frankovich issues updated travel guidance for those traveling outside of Humboldt County


  1. It's the Flu....keep your distance, wash you hands....if you want to where a Placebo please do so but let's just dropped the freaking order. Two counties in the entire State have masks requirements Humboldt and Orange County, thats ridiculous.

    1. They won't enforce it. They keep giving people loopholes and yes, it is time to lift the order nationwide. Most people are wearing a facial covering because they have to in stores or government buildings. The entire handling of this pandemic and the protests shows that both parties and government are incompetent and that health officials have no clue and keep releasing conflicting data that adds to more fear and anxiety.

      People can wash their hands and practice physical distancing. Businesses should sanitize and take extra precautions, employees have facial coverings but no one needs to be mandated to do so. The effect on the economy is obvious and why California moved up the phases of reopening. Time to take back the unchecked power of the Governors and Health Officers. There is no emergency.

  2. I agree! We keep wearing them because the grocery retailers were told that to refuse service to anyone who didn't wear them. We're forced into this crap when like you said it's nothing but a placebo. END THE LIES - LIFT THE ORDER.


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