Jun 2, 2020

Best of luck to Jennelle Crnich, EPD described perfectly what an asset she is to any dispatch team

After 14 years,  Eureka Police Department recently said goodbye to Senior Communications Dispatcher Jennelle Crnich.

Ms. Crnich accepted a position as a Dispatcher with a Silicon Valley area Police Department.

Ms. Crnich was hired as a dispatcher by Eureka Police in July of 2006. She began training new dispatchers in 2009 when she was promoted to Communications Training Officer. Ms. Crnich was known for her calm approach to dispatching and was the voice on the radio during numerous major incidents over the years. During her time with EPD, Ms. Crnich earned a Dispatch Intermediate POST Certificate, was a POST Peer Support Instructor, and amassed 700 hours of training.  In 2010, Ms. Crnich was promoted to Senior Communications Dispatcher.

1 comment:

  1. Jennelle is a great kid. She would tease me with a Gwen Stefani impersonation drove me nuts years ago. Good luck kid you're are a rare one.


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