Mar 1, 2018

Officer Brian Taylor better witness but his testimony also confirmed FPD's sloppy investigation

At 3:45 p.m. on February 28, Fortuna Police Officer Brian Taylor briefly took the stand.

Court did not start until 10:12 this morning. Officer Taylor was on the stand briefly.

Officer Taylor had investigated one homicide prior to the Goldberg case. His testimony was better than Detective Ryan Richardson.

His documentation was better than Detective Richardson and testimony was consistent to what he said at the preliminary hearing.

Still, the ineptness of the Fortuna Police Department was demonstrated, yet again, during cross examination.
(The link has information and photos from the search warrant)

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  1. Without testimony from Smith's wife and son stating their actually witnessed Goldberg kill Smith, Goldberg is going to walk due to-reasonable doubt by the jurors and being hung. this sucks!!!

    1. It is not just Tim Smith's wife and son; no one has stated so far they saw Jon Goldberg shoot Tim Smith. That is not the problem with the case. Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal and Trent Timm are doing their best with a sloppy Fortuna Police Department investigation which was made worse by the fact that everything should have been carefully documented, especially since Fortuna Fire was on the scene. The over zealousness of various parties and certain witnesses involved to make it Tim Smith and Fortuna vs the outsider is backfiring on them, so far.

      This is a case that could have been resolved with a plea deal before the prelimnary hearing.

      All the evidence is not in yet so the outcome could be anything from not guilty to hung jury to guilty of murder or lesser charges.


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