Mar 23, 2018

Verdict, hung jury or significant development in the Jon Goldberg trial?

Verdict or significant development in the Jon Goldberg trial?

The jury came in at 9:10 a.m. today, took one late mid morning break and then left around 11:50 for lunch.

No readback today, no notes. Things have been tense but they looked more relaxed when they went home yesterday.

I saw Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal and Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo head towards Courtroom 2 this morning.

Based on my observations and interactions of the jury before lunch (having covered several jury trials) and seeing members of Tim Smith's family back at the courthouse already, during the lunch hour, I am going to venture that after the lunch break, there is either a verdict, an annnouncement of a hung jury or some significant development in the case.

I was going to take lunch but now am going to wait outside Courtroom 2 to see if attorneys or other family members or victim witness representatives show up. And all the family members and friends of Tim Smith's are here now.

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