Mar 29, 2018

Just who is behind CERT and their lawsuit against coffee companies in California?

Metzger Law Firm:

Schachtman Law:

Metzger Law Firm loses:

1 comment:

  1. Anything that ends the toxic coffee roasting by the uncaring producers who daily release the anaphylactic shock inducing stench of coffee roasting in Eureka and Redway. If they gave a shit about their community and customers they would install filters so we could enjoy fresh air 24/7.....unless you drive by a laundromat or hotel when they're doing their laundry. Why do people feel they need to walk around all day off gasing laundry softening perfumes ? It's no different than the old Pulp Mills..... profits over pubic health and clean air. Humboldt,Del Norte, Trinity and Mendocino counties are Exempted from the California air resources board rules that apply to the rest of California. Rules that ensure coffee roasters, burger joints and black smoke belching grow dozers are kept in check. I'm not even going to mention choked down wood stoves....ooops. It's way past time to drop this exemption, way way pass time. Where the hell are our so-called environmentalist ??


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