Mar 2, 2018

"I thought Tim was going to get punched in the face" but the next thing she hears is gunshots

Triple punch this afternoon that maybe a game changer for the People's case.

Very powerful testimony by Jessica Springer followed by the CD of the 911 call being played for the jury and then Jessica Springer's entire interview with the Fortuna Police on September 26 being played for the jury.

She was sobbing at times, wiping tears but despite the Judge asking her for a break, she testified. Family sobbed and the rest of the courtroom was silent.

On the 911 call, you hear her saying, "My husband has been shot" "Please Please" trying to get someone here. You hear the 911 dispatcher trying to call for medical and notify police. It was unclear which first responder was not answering but the phone rings for over two minutes with no answer.

"I thought he had shot a pellet gun. I didnt know the guy was crazy like that."

Jessica Springer testified about how she tried to keep her son away from seeing his dad dead seconds after she ran to check on Tim Smith. From her EMT experience, she knew the wounds were fatal.

"I tried to roll him over and he gargled."

She testified that she had seen the signs of life leaving other people's bodies  but never seen that happen to one of her own.

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