May 22, 2024

Former employee of Weott Community Services District no show for court, phone number disconnected


Today, former employee of Weott Community Services District Julie Santibanez's embezzlement and identity theft case was on for confirmation of counsel. Her former attorney was Michael Acosta who is ineligible to practice law. Public Defender's office was appointed on 5/16.

Deputy Public Defender David Nims confirmed as counsel. He told Judge Lawrence Killoran that he attempted to reach Santibanez on a phone number from the police report which is disconnected. Former attorney Michael Acosta did not provide a phone number. Asked for a three week date to send a letter to Santibanez. Mr. Nims has not even met with his client.

The 6/5 and 6/17 dates vacated. Trial setting is on 6/13. Deputy Public Defender Luke Bernthal appeared on the case for the People.

Another case this morning, same issue, defendant had Acosta as former attorney and her codefendant said she was not aware of today's date.

6/13:  Trial confirmation on 9/18; jury trial on 9/30.

9/18: Motion to continue by Deputy Public Defender David Nims granted. Deputy DA Jessica Watson appeared on the case for the People. 9/30 date vacated. Readiness Conference on 1/14/25; jury trial on 1/27/25.

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