Mar 19, 2022

Like I said previously, you cannot sue someone anonymously

The only constant drama and political theater in Humboldt County is from anonymous comments, anonymous smears and anonymous attacks. 

Are these people anonymous due to fear of retribution or like most anons use the cowardly option because it involves zero risk, they can't be sued or held accountable for what they say and they don't have to provide evidence. Their anonymity prevents the media and public from seeing any conflict of interest and their small town connections. 

Like I said previously, you cannot sue anyone anonymously. This is the second time this item has been on the agenda but this time not in closed session. So who is their lawyer? Who is funding this effort for the litigation? Will we find out Tuesday?

There are plenty of bread and butter issues affecting Humboldt individuals and businesses. The Board of Supervisors continue to ignore them.

Certain media enable the BOS by ignoring any other news and regurgitating the same Auditor Controller soap opera.

BOS should tell the public how much money they have wasted on litigation in the last 2 years, 4 years, 6 years, 10 years on the Jeff Blanck, David Marcus, Judith Magney, HumCPR, cannabis and other lawsuits? Can we have a Laura's Law update? Can the BOS ask Sheriff William Honsal why repeat pervs and offenders and arrests for violent crimes are released on O.R. from the jail?

The Board and certain department heads are obsessed with the Auditor-Controller but Rex's buddy Billy and other department heads like Connie Beck, Maggie Fleming and John Ford don't get questioned and evaluated or called out. There are more people with concerns about DHHS, the DA's office, Building and Planning than the Auditor Controller. All the whining about her comes mostly from the County or those associated with the good ole boys club.

I was the first one to expose Patrick McTigue. The other media didn't pursue it for months. I knew from the start that case would resolve because that ends any further investigation and scrutiny into the Humboldt Building and Planning Department.

I was the first one to report on the Aviation lawsuit. Like many other instances, the other media then followed up. 

This potential litigation against the Auditor Controller is from other County Department heads and employees. I don't trust the BOS. I don't trust the County. I don't trust the department heads. I don't believe yes men and women. I didn't trust them before I started this blog and since I did, that distrust grows each day. The Jerry Springer show has more class than how the BOS and County is handling this situation.

DHHS and HCSO was sued by the State. And only then the County got into compliance. Aviation lawsuit; then compliance.

Is the State Attorney General treating the Auditor Controller's Office according to the same standards they did the HCSO/Coroner investigation? The same standards they did the Josiah Lawson investigation?

There are many people in Humboldt who have concerns and experiences about other County departments, employees and the Board of Supervisors. They are afraid to speak up. Who can blame them? 

Humboldt Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez won't play their game, she is an outsider. I won't play the game. There are a few others who don't play that game. If you don't play by the "That is how we do it in Humboldt" game; there are consequences. Humboldt gets away with it because people live in fear, won't speak up. If they do speak up, there are consequences. Lawyers in this town won't take any case that takes on the entrenched systems. State agencies supposed to be the checks and balances are a joke. 

Humboldt connected and locals don't like being questioned, don't like being exposed or have anyone stand up to their bullying. Certain locals especially don't like it when brown skinned outsiders like me or Paz Dominguez do not know our place. 

I am not someone who usually brings up race, homophobia, transphobia but it is relevant and the white elephant in Humboldt unadressed by other local media. 

The other local media didn't have any qualms going after Eureka Police Department or others because of two measly screenshots and no investigation. A verdict of racism and misogyny in the Humboldt online cesspool, protests and the other media got their clicks and headlines before doing any research and investigation.

Going after EPD officers was easy. The other local media did not lose any advertisers.  Police officers are easy targets in today's woke and cancel culture that pays lip service to racism, homophobia and misogyny. 

The City of Eureka and the County did not back the officers. They stood by while the angry local mob who are powerless against the real oppressors in Humboldt vented and misdirected their anger and frustration about their miserable existence about living and feeling  trapped in this depressing cesspool and didn't care how it impacted five people they don't know personally.

The targeting, harassment, false accusations take on a whole new level if you are an outsider and the other local media in this town and the community will stay silent, throw you under the bus at their whim and convenience. Selective enforcement, selective scrutiny and apparently racism, homophobia and transphobia only matters; sometimes.

I have lived all over the U.S. including the South and traveled internationally. Based on my experiences, which includes documenting specifics, based on what I have seen, observed, had other people corroborate about what they have gone through in this County; Humboldt is vile and a black hole. Once people escape it; they thrive and are cleansed of the negative energy that permeates this place. Humboldt was blessed by nature; it has been and is still destroyed by greed.

Any person in Humboldt, especially Humboldt men, who sell out for photo ops and ingratiate themselves to the Humboldt connected ; any person, especially Humboldt men, who stand by silently;  any person, especially Humboldt men, who attack; mostly anonymously; just because anyone; especially a Latina won't kow tow to the barely educated, git er done bumpkins who make up many of the Humboldt connected and think no one knows about their fake happily married, "Christian" facade are the biggest losers and cowards. 

Conservativeand liberal misogynist homophobes who you can find crawling in the online gutter of Humboldt of anonymous comment, anonymous sites and anonymous Facebook pages.

Five white Supervisors, mostly white City Councilmembers, mostly white generational local families, mostly white election candidates, mostly white local media, mostly white lawyers, mostly white owned businesses and mostly white repeat offenders. This is Humboldt and it is 2022.

It hasn't been the Mexicans or illegals in charge of Humboldt for decades, has it? The drugs, the abandoned and empty stores, the slumlords getting rich off  government money, the conservatives/ church going fakes who bad mouth weed but have no problem getting high and bankrolling their interests with cannabis, the inept leadership who destroy the few Humboldt industries by taxing and bankrupting them into non existence, those fat cats who are responsible for decades of County waste and inefficiency, own your handiwork. You "locals" don't want to brag and take ownership of this legacy? You sure use being "local" and generational when it is convenient.

That stench and targeting of trying to silence certain people comes from the foul mouths and actions of  specific people, specific incidents and specific local businesses and their psycophants. All of you who know about it and witness it, stay silent and allow me or anyone else targeted repeatedly are no different than the evil that plagues this town.

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