Mar 30, 2022

So where is the election coverage on local candidates and the money behind them?

Interesting that in previous years, Hank Sims and Ryan Burns and Thad Greenson made a big deal about who Rob McBeth and certain other funders supported, yet this election season, there is zero coverage of the money behind the candidates this election. 

In the past, these three and the outlets they work for have covered financials, done "pieces" on funders and made it an issue more than any other local  media. So where is that coverage this year? 

These "media" have raked me over the coals about certain people I supported.  I didnt have this blog at that time and was free to support whoever I wanted. 

I have called out people on this blog I supported and campaigned for in the past when warranted and that has had dire personal and financial consequences for me. The community and public interest are important in covering news. 

Who is all of a sudden chummy with the same people they berated me for supporting before I had this blog? 

Who is printing daily County talking points while ignoring other concerns constituents and local businesses are dealing with daily that are far more important than Humboldt department and BOS soap opera?

The same hypocrites, the same lame anons and many advertisers in Humboldt have double standards for certain local media. 

Hank, Ryan, Thad have been a part of several local media outlets for years. Some of the establishment left and their groupies can ignore what they want but their own commenters notice. 

People who vote, who research, who mail in their absentee ballots know they have several options for news and read all sources. Those voters arent' the same four or five commenting or living on social media 24/7. They notice. They don't always comment. They give that feedback in person to those who they trust. 

I find it very interesting that recently Hank, Ryan and Thad are all of a sudden anti Karen Paz Dominguez, anti others they championed in the past and suddenly pro County and have not brought up how many candidates Rex Bohn, Rob McBeth, the Piersons, or anyone else are supporting in this election. 

I could care less who Rex or Rob or the Piersons fund. I make my decisions based on the individual and my own experience. I have written before about selective coverage from other  media.

You will never see other media cover court cases or run mugshots involving the Vissers, the  McBeths or the Humboldt connected. I cover people regardless of who they are in Humboldt. 

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