Mar 15, 2022

"John, you were right not to look into my emails. The Welfare investigators, and others were notified by me, and they did nothing. Guess it's a waste of time to report individuals committing fraud." 

"John, you were right not to look into my emails. The Welfare investigators, and others were notified by me, and they did nothing. Guess it's a waste of time to report individuals committing fraud. And now these same individuals are eligible for the Governors free handout. Yet, other truly struggling individuals could have used this money. Sad!"

"Keep an eye on tomorrow's City of Eureka's meeting. You will see a few business owners (motel), who own multiple properties in the County. They names will also come up as receiving CalFresh." 

I receive numerous emails and I don't always follow up because of several concerns which include needing certain information and evidence to evaluate the tips. I also knew that I would be stonewalled by the City, County and DHHS. Read read my post on today's PRA and issues at the City and County.

These are just two emails. One of the problems I have and had is that I had no way of verifying the CalFresh claim with the limited  information I was given. Even if I had names, I am pretty sure DHHS wont tell me if they are receiving CalFresh.

My attention to these emails resurfaced during my own research and other individuals raising similar concerns about the County and similar specifics over the years. These people who contacted or spoke to me are all unrelated. All these people brought up specific motels, the City of Eureka and the County. 

With concerns brought up by the Auditor Controller recently about County departments and BOS, the stalling by the BOS on what information can be released to the public and the way they are trying to silence anyone questioning them, should I investigate these alleged claims?

I am putting it on the blog now to document for my protection and for those who risk trying to watch out for you. I won't give any specific dates in this post. If I follow up on these and if I run into any stonewalling and if I cannot verify that the alleged fraud was reported, then the public should be concerned. 

You want proof from the Auditor Controller, you want proof from media. How do we do that when certain people control the information we need and they deny you access.

What proof have you asked from the people who have made politics a career, keep raising taxes, pay and give themselves raises without your input and could care less about wasting your money on one poor decision after another. Read the PRA and Rex post or if you follow my blog regularly, there is no explaination needed.

You want individuals to fight corruption, evil in this County for decsdes and entrenched systems and investigate tips but you won't question the "Humboldt way" of doing business. You won't financially support those trying to stand up for truth, injustice and accountability. And most of you want to stay anonymous but have a few of us risk our finances and personal safety.

None of us owe any of you a thing. For the sellouts and cowards who enable the systemic corruption and selective targeting and harassment in Humboldt, don't ever call me and don't ever ask for my help.  You are the ones who need to take responsibility for the drugs, the poverty, the crime in Humboldt because you dolts keep voting the same incompetents in office and enable the same losers in private industry who dip into government money but whine about welfare and everything being given for free. They are the losers who keep this place impoverished and have made Humboldt a joke all over California.

For the Humboldt men in the above group, especially the ingrate backstabbers, go find your cajones in the lost coast fog because if you had any, you would be standing up like real men and lifting up this community and treating others decently. Instead you take, you use,you abuse, you backstab and you bad mouth and lie because you can't face the pathetic losers you are and your miserable, fake lives so you try and destroy others and this community.  

Pathetic Humboldt men who inherited daddy's wealth and connections, ride on their wife's, brother in law or boss' coattails, are yes men in public but in private snitch and whine on their "friends", sit at the computer all day anonymously smearing and attacking those who dare to question the good ole boys. How many have screwed people over, don't pay what you owe but parade around town like you are all that.

These losers could never defend this country because they are weak from sitting behind a desk, post memes and bellyache about whatever garbage they heard from some talk show radio host and think their plastic flag on the desk makes them a patriot. Losers who infest the  online gutter where they spew their ignorant hate, racism, homophobia and have never done anything to improve or heal this community.

 Related posts:

Some of the previous and related posts on County and Auditor Controller:

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