Jul 5, 2020

You expect the DA and law enforcement to protect you but you stay silent

These comments are related to the June 11 post in Mckinleyville.

Humboldt Grassroots may be an anonymous page but their page is public. They are not hiding anything. Are you paying attention?

There are peaceful protestors. There are also groups spreading misinformation, inciting disturbances and having their own agenda while hiding behind valid causes.

You expect the DA and law enforcement to protect you but you stay silent. You stand by idly while misinformation is shared.

You expect me to take risks and expose facts  and corruption other media ignores but you stay silent. Why should I? You are not there to protect or support me.

If you want to continue your apathy and stay silent and elect local officials that you won't hold accountable for the local economy, for not protecting you from riots, criminals or COVID 19; if you don't have the guts to stand up to the decades of local corruption and predators in your community, you get the community you created. Stop expecting others to fix problems you contribute to by your cowardice and inaction.

It's easier to just post on Facebook and complain then it is to take a stand and make a difference in your community.

1 comment:

  1. I remember a time when we didn't focus on skin color and just lived our lives . . . the racial divide created by the Obama administration carries on for years and now destroying our country. The fact skin color matters so much to Democrats is sickening.


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